Volume 38, Issue 3, 2015
The urbanization of modern society against the background of the negative changes in environmental conditions, resulting in changes in the structure and composition of food products, strongly dictates the need to develop new types of foods notable for functionality. Modern foodstuffs should not only meet people demand for energy and basic nutrients, but also have curative and preventive properties. This is achieved by the introduction of dietary supplements into food and drinks, natural polysaccharides of plant origin being included. Most of them have a high degree of complex formation, which results in their ability to bind heavy metals ions and radionuclides in the body, followed by natural clearance. The disadvantages of the existing production methods for natural whey beverages are their high caloric content due to large amounts of sugar or sugar substitutes, which excludes their use in diabetic, dietetic food. Milk beverage production using polysaccharides is studied, which allows to fundamentally reduce sugar content in the formulation; to improve the physical and chemical properties, organoleptic properties and appearance of the finished products, and also to settle whey proteins before conducting the ultrafiltration process.
Assortment policy in the food industry is largely determined by demographic changes, including an increase in the share of elderly and sick people. The body effects of various adverse factors, lead to changes in gene expression and gene structure that is accompanied by the disruption of protein synthesis and the body functions decrease. In modern conditions it is necessary to create high-quality and affordable products aimed at satisfying the population needs and having preventive properties. In this regard, the issues of scientifically rational use of wild medicinal and technical raw materials as a source of physiologically functional ingredients are of particular importance. The paper analyzes the main factors leading to premature aging. The ways to reduce dehydration in the elderly are suggested. The objects of study were wild-growing raw materials of Siberia and the Far East: the roots of rhodiola rosea, peppermint, hawthorn fruits, thoroughwax, golden clover, melilot drug, common origanum meeting the requirements of normative and technical documentation. The article presents the results of the quality indicators for 5 types of tea compositions. Analysis of physico-chemical indicators showed high antioxidant activity of the designed tea compositions. The clinical testing results of the phyto-beverages in the voluntary group of patients with ischemic heart disease and arterial hypertension are shown. The obtained results allow to consider the designed tea composition as a promising tool for the cardiovascular disease prevention efficiency control being based on subjective and objective data.
Taking into account the requirements on limitation of transisomers content in fatty products, quantitative determination of fatty acids with transconfiguration is needed when investigating the fatty acid composition of modified fats. This is essential when determining the regulated quantity of hydrogenated fat materials used in the receipt composition of combined products. Therefore, the mass fraction of trans-isomerized fatty acids in raw stock (hydrogenated, hydro-transesterified, and transesterified fats) determines the specific features of fatty base construction considering the medical and biological requirements for the content of lipocomplex constituents in the final product. When selecting fatty phase constituents, one should perform a complex evaluation of the composition and properties of each raw material determining the quality of produced combined products. This paper deals with various methods of fat modification. Modification of the spatial configuration of fatty acids contained in triglycerides occurs under the effect of a number of factors: high temperatures, effect of catalysts, etc. In this connection, modified vegetable oils and fats contain various amounts of trans-isomerized fatty acids. The aspects of replacing hydrogenated fats by transesterified ones have been considered in spread recipes based on standards of physiological requirements of modern people for lipids and their structural components. The data on creating the transesterified fatty compositions from vegetable oils and fats providing the predetermined consumer properties of functional fat-milk products are presented.
The problem of meat quality becomes an actual one due to the increase of demand for beef. In restaurants and supermarkets, the price of the most deficient meat - marbled meat - is 800-1300 rub/kg and it is imported mainly from abroad (Australia, the USA). In Russia, such meat is not produced and home plant-breeding-tribal work has not accented on obtaining meat of particular quality. This factor being genetically determined and inherited, we put forward the task to study the meat productivity of Herefords of Siberian reproduction and the quality of meat with a method based on the use of imported bio-products. The live weight and average daily weight gain of bull-calves have been determined. Control slaughter of bull-calves of Herefords breed has been done. Trade and commercial cuts of half carcasses have been determined. The biochemical structure of muscles of meat has been investigated. By results of researches it is revealed that the use of a seed of a servicing bull of the Australian selection of Allendale Superstar B21 made it possible to increase selection differential on live weight to 32 kg (7.3%), and on a daily live weight gain to 178.7 g (17.3%). The superiority of bull-calves of the experimental group over the control one in terms pre-slaughter live weight was 24.0 kg (5.5%). The slaughter yield was 1.7% higher and was 59.4%. According to the Australian scale the marbling of the longest muscle of a back of experimental bull-calves was 6 points, and that of a control one - 2-3 points. The use of the Herefords servicing bull seed can accelerate the selection process in meat cattle breeding of the region.
Dried fruits are a valuable source of vitamins, pectins, polyphenols and minerals. Beverage production from dried fruits involves a number of technological operations, including, infusion, boiling or extraction, the main part of soluble solids contained in the feedstock passing into the solution during the processes. Insoluble part remains in the form of a pomace containing pectins and fiber, which are dietary fibers. In this paper, we demonstrate the possibility and the prospects of complex processing of dried fruit raw materials which includes the first phase of soft drinks manufacturing based on extracts of dried fruits and pomace processing for obtaining a fruit dessert. Conducted has been the study of physico-chemical parameters of the dried fruit pomace after extract production and the fruit pulp, obtained from them. Fractional composition of the pectin pomace has been studied. A high of a uronidnoy component, free carboxyl groups, which testifies their complex-forming properties and the ability to remove of heavy metals and other toxic substances from the body, is shown. The performed experiments allowed us to develop the technology and the fruit dessert recipe. The composition of the components for this product includes the mass of fruit pomace from dried fruits, sugar, flavoring ingredient, and crushed cedar nuts to enhance nutritional and biological value of the finished product. The basic physical-chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the obtained fruit dessert have been analyzed. The technological instructions for the production of the dessert from dried fruit pomace have been developed and quality indices have been established.
Higher yields, intensification of harvesting due to the application of new combine harvesters, which enables to expand the range of moisture content of the harvested grain mass, lead to the increase in the rate of grain heap entering the threshing area and to the accumulation of large grain mass in the open area under unregulated conditions. More than half of grain coming from the fields in the Altai territory requires drying; humidity often reaches 25-30%. Moreover, the grain producers themselves have to deal directly with the post-harvest handling and storage who practically do not have grain drying and cleaning equipment and the required number of granaries. Grain storage at the farms requires considerable financial expenses; therefore, not all manufacturers can comply with the necessary technology of grain receiving and processing. The aim of our research is to study the technological properties of wet and crude buckwheat that was stored for a long time before processing into cereals. The study of mechanical properties shows that when the humidity of buckwheat kernel increases by 1.3 times, its deformation increases by 2.2 times. Moreover, after unloading a partial recovery of the samples takes place, then the deformation difference is 2.6 times. It has been found that the increase in buckwheat humidity is associated with loosening of its structure, which leads to changes in its structural, mechanical and as a consequence technological properties. When changing humidity of grain by 4.6%, the grain density decreases by 1.0%. The studies conducted show that humidity greatly affects structural, mechanical and technological properties of buckwheat. To reduce production costs when processing wet and crude buckwheat it is appropriate to use short scheme processing technologies.
Oxygen is an important component of the yeast cultivation medium and it is necessary for the synthesis of sterols and unsaturated fatty acids that make up the membrane. The shortage of these lipid compounds or oxygen in the medium leads to culture degeneration. The provision of yeast culture with atmospheric oxygen can be achieved by aeration of the wort or the inoculum before their introduction into the fermentation medium. The article deals with various ways of providing brewers’ yeast with oxygen and reducing the need of the culture for anaerobic growth factors. It is shown that the inoculum pre-fermentation treatment in green (new) beer (1: 2) by brief aeration (30-40 min) followed by storing without air access for 2-4 hours enables yeast to synthesize a sufficient amount of sterols and, at the same time, to maintain high fermentation activity. It has a positive effect on the biomass reproduction and extracts decrease. The use of the yeast aeration has significant advantages over the wort aeration, since it enables to obtain beer with better organoleptic properties alongside with power reduction (approximately 60 times). These data have been confirmed at one of the breweries in the Kemerovo region. The effect of reducing the oxygen requirement of the yeast culture is maintained during two generations and increases when using strains with high requirement for this component. It is possible to reduce the oxygen requirement of microbial cells due to the enrichment of the fermentation medium with sterols and unsaturated fatty acids by introducing a specially prepared yeast autolysate. The peculiarity of its production is the preaeration of the yeast suspension with compressed air followed by autolysis. This contributes to the increase of anaerobic growth factors in the cell biomass.
Derivatives of soybeans with different technological preparation of these plant raw materials (isolated soy protein, concentrates, textured soy protein products) are often used in Russia and abroad while producing meat products. The use of soy protein in the composition of meat products is not always reflected by manufacturers on the label or in the accompanying documentation. Thus, an important task is to determine the actual composition of the finished product and to identify all components. The paper presents the research data on histological features of soy protein products used in the meat industry. It has been found that each type of soy protein component has its own distinctive histological characteristics that reliably identify it as a part of meat raw materials and finished products. The result of the research is the developed GOST 31474-2012 “Meat and meat products. Histological method of plant protein additive identification”, which enables to identify soy protein products in accordance with their microstructural features in all types of meat raw materials, semi-finished and finished products.
The current trend is to create functional foods to improve the health of consumers. More often, these are products, which contain live microorganisms or bacterial starter cultures. An important property of bacterial starter cultures is the antagonism, i.e. suppression of microorganism growth that cause spoilage of the product and slow down the process of fermentation of raw meat. The aim of this study is to investigate the safety of fermented sausages manufactured with the use of bacterial starter cultures, as well as to establish the shelf life of these sausages under different conditions. Microbiological safety indices were determined according to the requirement of TR CU 021/2011. Shelf life was determined depending on the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria group in the product, as well as on changes in organoleptic characteristics. The results of the study show that the introduction of starter bacterial cultures increases the storage life of fermented sausages as compared with the control sample, on average 30 days. The safety indices in the finished products meet the requirements established.
It is known that a balanced diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle and an important factor of the complex treatment of various diseases. A balanced diet is important in the treatment of such diseases as diabetes, atherosclerosis and glomerulonephritis. The interest to wheat grass juice as a component of healthy nutrition is growing in recent years. The production technology of wheat grass juice with the use of hydroponics has been developed. The effectiveness of ultrasonic preplant treatment of wheat seeds has been shown. Ultrasonic treatment has significantly improved the production efficiency; the average length of sprouts has increased by 35%. The investigation results of the biological activity of wheat grass juice in the models of toxic hepatitis and nephropathy in diabetes type 2 are presented. Acute toxicity and antihypoxic activity of wheat grass juice obtained according to the developed technology have been studied. In the model of toxic hepatitis induced by per os injection of CCl4 to white CD rats it has been found that wheat grass juice has no hepatoprotective activity. It has been shown that the prolonged use of wheat grass juice reduces the vascular permeability of kidney glomeruli of white rats with experimentally induced diabetes type 2. The average life expectancy of white CD mice increases in the model of hypoxic hypoxia when wheat grass juice is used. The mechanism of antihypoxic activity is not clear and requires further investigation. The toxicity of wheat grass juice has been studied. The research results enable to recommend wheat grass juice as a component of healthy diet, and as a part of clinical nutrition in various diseases such as hypoxia, lack of vitamins and minerals.
Currently, many manufacturers of food products are strategically focused on the production of functional foods for a healthy diet. The motivation of manufacturers in this case is caused by new trends of developing the market of healthy foods. The basis of functional nutrition is functional foods, but now they are not enough developed and commercially available to refuse from traditional products. Therefore, a person should eat regular foods, but in order to maintain the balance of caloric intake and intake of macro and micronutrient set it is necessary to use biologically active additives. Prevailing attitudes to the eating habits in the last decade suggest consumption of FMCG products containing an increased amount of the above nutrients. One of the most promising food groups in this respect is pastries. The aim of the research is to develop a sugar cookie recipe with the addition of pollen, which contains vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The novelty of this work is the study to determine the content of water and fat-soluble vitamins, essential and nonessential amino acids and minerals. The objects of study are pollen (which is obtained from the population of Bashkir bee colonies) and sugar cookies. Practical value: recipes of sugar cookies with the addition of pollen with high biological value have been developed and put into production. It has been experimentally proved that the addition of pollen enables to obtain products with increased phytochemical potential, and the increase in the vitamin content is from 1.7 to 4 times as compared to the control sample; there appear microelements absent in the control sample. It has been established that the preservation of water and fat-soluble vitamins in sugar cookies with the addition of pollen ranges from 40.0% to 86.7%. The shelf life of cookies increases up to 6 months with maximum preservation of consumer and physical and chemical properties.
During the accelerated development of space branch and construction of the cosmodrome “Vostochny” the development of technologies and compounding of specific foods for cosmonauts connected with their physical and nervous-emotional activity is an actual problem. The purpose of our research is the development of obtaining the ways and schemes of obtaining of biologically active component from soya seeds and foodstuffs of specialized purposes. During the research and the development of specific foods the following methods were used: the biochemical structure of initial raw material and finished products were defined by means of infra-red scanner FOSSNIR System 5000 (Sweden); mass fraction, moisture, fat, vitamin E were found according to corresponding standards. Power value of finished goods was calculated using Rubnera factors. The method of pair comparisons and mark scales was used for organoleptic evaluation. The result of the given research is the development of a scientifically proved technological approach to obtaining of flour from germ fraction of soya seeds, the technological scheme including moisture-heat processing, germination, frying and decortications of soya seeds, and decomposition and fraction dressing with their subsequent crushing. The chemical composition and biological value of specific foods produced with the addition of germ soya flour has been investigated. It has been established that in the formula of bread and flour confectionery containing from 10% to 25 % of flour from germ fraction of soya seeds allows us to raise the content of fiber in comparison with control samples from 46% to 74 %, and that of tocopherol (vitamin E) from 40% to 100 %.
Vacuum drying is one of the most widespread ways of food preservation. It is possible to intensify this process using alternating pressure i.e. performing barovacuum drying. The given work is devoted to investigation of processes taking place during food products drying under the conditions of alternating pressure. Soft cheeses, such as “The Adygei cheese”, “The Roquefort cheese” and “The Russian Camembert cheese”, were the objects of drying. Experiments were made under two different conditions: when the object of drying was initially held under the residual pressure with subsequent drying under the excessive pressure, and under the conditions when the object was initially held under the excessive residual pressure with subsequent dehydration under vacuum. During the experiments, the dependences of relative mass of soft cheeses as well as the temperatures in the drying chamber and in the product on the drying time have been established. The dehydration time of soft cheeses has been determined. At the initial decrease of pressure the drying of “The Adygei cheese”, “The Roquefort cheese” and “The Russian Camembert cheese” lasts 490, 450 and 420 min respectively. At the initial increase of pressure, it lasts from 200 to 340 min depending on the type of cheese and the duration of curing. The comparison data of drying indices when using barovacuum and vacuum dehydration have been given. It has been revealed that drying at the initial increase of pressure is more effective. The analysis of the conducted studies enables to establish that it is more effective to hold soft cheeses under excessive pressure for 15 min. At such a mode, the organoleptic mark of dry cheeses is 62-64 points out of 75 points.
Water is the main raw material in food production. Its structure has a huge impact on quality characteristics and technological properties of the products: transparency, taste, stability, safety, bioavailability etc. Our time is characterized by a high degree of environmental pollution, including the sources of natural water used in production. One can find a huge range of natural and man-made contaminants in natural water. Sewage treatment plants and water treatment plants for organic ingredients serve as a barrier, but this relative barrier has no perfect result. It should be noted that during water purification, the formation of additional toxicants having negative effect on water used is possible. The work is devoted to the research on water purification by means of separation freezing using a capacitive crystallizer. The results of water separation freezing experiments at different temperatures and crystallization process duration are presented. The dependence of the ice quantity on the process duration and crystallization temperature has been established. The graphs of the ice thickness as well as temperature curves for the heat transfer surface of the crystallizer have been obtained. As a result of experimental studies the graphs showing the dependence of the energy on the process duration and ice thickness have been obtained. The effect of the rate of ice formation on water quality parameters (color, solids content, total hardness, oxidation, the content of chloride and fluoride) has been studied. Based on these dependencies energy-efficient modes of separation freezing enabling us to get high quality water have been determined.
The intensification of mass transfer processes has been considered by the example of the sucrose extraction from beet chips under the influence of low frequency mechanical oscillations on a juice-chips mixture. The formation and the layer movement of the juice-chips mixture have been investigated under the influence of variable force fields that are generated by the rotating blades of the handling system of the column diffuser, and their impact on the filtering ability of the layer, and the degree of juice-chips mixture warming respectively, the rate of sucrose mass transfer. The problem of thickening the layer of juice-chips mixture has been solved, which enables to reveal the influence of several factors on the pressure distribution in the layer and filtering of the extracting agent through the layer of beet chips. The law governing the change in pressure over time for any fixed section of a layer, has been obtained as well as the law of changes in pressure through the layer height for any fixed period of time. The pressure distribution in juice-chips mixture under the influence of the handling systems in various types of devices affects the filtration ability of the beet chips layer and thus forms the temperature fields in the apparatuses. The results of mathematical modeling of the porous medium compression for the wave-like profile of the handling blades of diffusers have been obtained, which cause pulsating low frequency oscillations of juice-chips mixture. This leads to a significant intensification of mass transfer processes. The results of studies are recommended for profiling the working surface of elements of handling systems, and for developing new and modernizing the existing commercial extractors.
At present, the method of extraction in the field of low frequency mechanical vibrations can be considered as one of the most progressive, but the lack of necessary data hinders its use on commercial scale. The paper contains the research results of the water extraction process of dried nettle and birch leaves in the field of low-frequency mechanical vibrations. The presented extraction method is characterized by a large number of factors having a significant influence on the kinetics and power supply of the process (hydronic, amplitude and frequency of oscillations, the diameter of perforated plate’s holes, extraction time). To identify the impact dependence of these factors on the process is possible only by an experiment. A full factorial experiment 2
5 to receive the necessary amount of data has been carried out. Due to the statistical data processing, we have got experimental-statistical model of the process. The obtained equations show the dependence of the change of main output parameters on the changes of general factors influencing the process. The most important output parameters, which widely characterize the process, are the final concentration of the extract and the efficiency of the process, showing the ratio of the obtained extractive to the amount of power supplied. Because of the mathematical analysis of the obtained equations there we have determined optimum modes of the extraction process within the realization of the condition under which an optimum regime should be considered the one when the maximum possible water extraction concentration is achieved at maximum efficiency of the given method. The results reliability is confirmed by a series of test experiments showing that the deviation of output parameters is not more than 5% of the calculated ones.
Today, special products are widely used for the prevention and comprehensive treatment of common diseases. The authors have developed a special dietary food named “Light Mood” sweet bar (“Legkoye Nastroenie”). The purpose of this research is to carry out clinical trials of the product for the diet of patients with functional constipation. In this paper composition and quantitative characteristics of the bar recipe ingredients, including apples, raisins, dried plums, senna extract, field caraway, oats, acacia rubber, wheat bran (dietary) are scientifically proved. Clinical testing of the derived food has been carried out by including it into the diet of patients with functional constipation. The diagnosis has been made by a gastroenterologist after profound patient work-up on the basis of anamnesis, a physical examination data, laboratory and instrumental investigation results and the data of diagnostic testing of life quality over time on treatment. The test persons have eaten 1-2 pieces of the special food for 15 days before bedtime. The dynamics of clinical symptomatology after taking the special food has been studied. The majority of patients, 87% showed better general state of health, more often defecation; 85% of them had daily defecation in the morning. The quality of life in the course of dietary therapy was higher in comparison with the control group according to the indices of pain sensation, emotional state, physical activity and total number of points. Favourable evolution of both objective and subjective condition of the patients has been revealed. No negative reaction of internal organs, nervous system, cardiovascular system and skin cover was revealed. The obtained data proved the efficiency and functional orientation with reference to functional constipation preventative measures and treatment. The sweet bar “Light Mood” is also recommended for increasing the body resistance to unfavorable environment, stress situations, psychoemotional and physical exertion, for recovery of normal defecation and improving of defectation in the conditions combined with other somatic diseases.
Evidence-based formulation of dietary supplement, the functional orientation of which is caused by synergistic effect of the prescribed components factors for the metabolism in chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency is developed. Efficacy and functional orientation of the specialized product was confirmed by the results of clinical trials, through its inclusion in the diet of patients with I-II stage dyscirculatory encephalopathy of vascular origin (DE). Patients received 1 capsule of the “OleoprenNeuro” dietary supplements 2 times a day for a month (DE-ON group). A similar group of 30 patients did not take supplements, and served as a control group. The clinical symptom course in patients with I-II DE group and the control group after treatment was studied. Materials that characterize the life quality in patients with I-II stage DE control group and DE-ON were obtained. It is shown that the complex treatment with the deitary supplement “OleoprenNeuro” of patients with vascular genesis dyscirculatory encephalopathy of I-II stage has a positive effect on the clinical disease: improvement in mood and state of health, and consequently the life quality is noted; favourable evolution in the treatment of cephalic and vestibule-ataksic syndromes is defined, as well as improving the cognitive functions of patients; it is well tolerated and does not cause any side effects. The results of the research show a positive role of polyprenols and vitamin E composing the dietary supplements, in the treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy of vascular origin of I-II stage. The clinical evidence allows the recommendation of the specialized product as an additional nutrition factor in the presence of these diseases.
Production of organic potatoes is of relevance, primarily, for children in need of special protection from damage by pesticides, nitrates and heavy metals (HM), as well as for nutritional therapy of people suffering from chronic diseases. The authors set goals and objectives for the dynamics and intensity study of pesticide accumulation in tubers, establishing the level of HM contamination near the technogenic zone - the M-4 “Don” federal highway, identifying nitrate accumulation with different doses of mineral fertilizers, setting the duration for conservation of various harmful components in potato tubers and making production recommendations for the waiting period of pesticides planting treatment before harvest. Field experiments were conducted in the experimental Farm of Ivan Bunin YSU. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium doses were: 1) without fertilizer (control); 2) N30P60K30; 3) N60P90K60; 4) N90P135K90. To protect against the pest Aktara chemical insecticides and Biological preparations - Fitoverin, Akarin, Bitoksibazitsillin were used. Of fungicides (for diseases) Profit Gold and Readomil Gold, of herbicides (for seed) - Zenkor and Remus are used. It was found that in 10 days Aktar concentration in the tubers exceeds MPC by 32-50% it being gradually reduced in the future, chemical insecticides were found in the tubers in 35 days. Medium and low-toxic fungicides are no longer found in 20 days after treatment. Conversely, Zenkor and Remus herbicides are stored after treatment in potato tubers longer, to 55 and 65 days respectively. In the experiments Nitrate tubers with: N30-60P60-90K30-60 options did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (80 mg/kg). Accumulation of heavy metals in tubers at a distance of 50 m from the highway increased, but did not exceed the MPC at a distance of 100 m from the road, HM were found in tubers, but in smaller concentrations. And at a distance of 500 meters no lead and cadmium were found.
In the process of production, it is necessary to control the quality and safety of products. In addition, each manufacturer determines his way of control. In the age of information technologies, modern management calls on producers to analyze not only quality errors but the data collected that allows you to see the frequency of occurrence of certain defects. The proposed project (program) is aimed at automated recording and analysis of quality errors thanks to the use of computer technology and statistical methods, as well as 6 Sigma methodology of modern management. To develop the program the existing and potential causes of bread rejection have been analyzed, and the most common defects have been listed. Based on the data obtained a Microsoft Office Excel defects data processing program has been created. It makes possible to prepare the month and annual reports automatically, eliminating the human factor. As a result recommendations on optimization of the process “Product quality control”, by the example of bread production have been developed. A new form of the final month report which reflects the information on the volume of output in the past month, the number of defects, the frequency of a defect occurrence, as well as a defect-free level according to the “6 Sigma” methodology has been developed. A sub-process “Analysis and reporting” has been automated with the help of a computer technology. To test the program a list of shortcomings and defects in groups of bread defects has been formed and ranked.
Taking into account an increasing scale of dairy product adulteration a wide range of modern and classical methods of examination are used to identify that the butter is real. Methods of thermal analysis are rarely used because it is necessary to pre-cool the samples to -100˚C. Of thermal methods of analysis for the study of fat, the method of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is used more often. Thermal gravimetric (TGA) and differential thermal (DTA) analyzes are rarely used. In this study, we investigated the possibility to recognize the composition of dairy-plant spreads by means of thermal analysis. The objects of investigation were six samples of imported, domestic and individually produced butter purchased in retail of the Altai Territory. For comparison, a sample of palm oil manufactured at "Zhirovoy Kombinat" ZAO was taken. Based on these studies, the following conclusions have been made: the methods of thermal analysis (DSC, TGA/DTA) allow qualitative identification of butter-palm oil mixture, but fluctuations in the fat-acid composition of milk fat and interaction of palm oil with butter significantly limit the possibilities of application of thermal analysis methods for quantitative analysis of composition of these mixtures.
The relevance of the research is determined by the necessity to study medicinal plants growing on dumps of coal opencasts in the Kemerovo region in order to assess the possibility of expanding the resource base and to provide the region with valuable natural plant raw materials. The object of the research is dried hips ( Rosa majalis Herrm .), gathered in 2013-2014 from two territories: on the Kedrovsky opencast dump and a relatively “ecologically clean” plot. The quality of medicinal plant raw material has been evaluated by numerical, ecological and hygiene indices. The standard methods of research and analysis of experimental data have been applied. The analysis of the numerical indices of the quality of hips as a raw material (humidity, total ash, quantitative content of ascorbic acid, organic acids) has shown that the plant raw material meets the requirements of FS 38 “Fructus Rozae” GF of the X1 edition and GOST 1994-93 “Hips. Technical conditions”. The comparative analysis of numerical indices of hips from the experimental and control territories has not revealed significant differences. These indices are within close limits. The content of radionuclides (Sr-90, Cs-137) in hips grown on dumps does not exceed hygienic standards according to TR CU 021/2011 and SanPin (for Sr-90). The analysis of experimental data on the content of heavy metals (Hg, Pb and Cd) has shown that this type of material does not meet the safety requirements of TR CU 021/2011 in Cd, the content of which exceeds the permissible level by 1.7 times. In this connection, more research is needed to study the content of this element in hips ( Rosa majalis Herrm. ), taking into account different micro reliefs of the dump and the analysis of statistical data in dynamics over the years.
A food product is a multicomponent system containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Determination of antibiotics in this case is complicated by the influence of interfering components of different nature. Methods for determining antibiotics (chloramphenicol and tetracycline) in foods with multicomponent matrices (lipid-protein, lipid-carbohydrate) have been proposed. Techniques include antibiotics extraction using various solvents, purification of extracts and concentration of antibiotics using natural sorbents (activated carbon and silica-alumina), followed by eluting of certain components with ethanol and analyzing by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection. The content of antibiotics was determined in products purchased in retail stores in Vladivostok: lime honey produced in the farms of the Primorsky Territory and the Republic of Bashkortostan, hawthorn honey produced in the farms of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and chicken liver produced in the poultry farms of the Primorsky Territory. The extraction degrees of chloramphenicol and tetracycline from honey and chloramphenicol from chicken liver have been determined by the “added-found” method. The extraction degree of chloramphenicol from honey was 90%, from chicken liver - 78%. The extraction degree of tetracycline from honey samples was 82%. The content of chloramphenicol and tetracycline in some honey samples and chloramphenicol in chicken liver samples purchased in the retail network was determined. Tetracycline and chloramphenicol were found in 2 samples of lime honey with antibiotics content of 0.052 and 0.020 mg/kg, respectively. Chicken liver samples contained from 0.007 to 0.01 mg/kg of chloramphenicol.
Apple puree is an important raw material in confectionery manufacture. The current confectionery recipes have a tendency of partial replacement of apple puree for pectin, pectin concentrate, flavoring agents and other food additives, which negatively affect their consumer qualities. The aim of research was to identify specific markers of micronutrient puree composition based on apples of different pomological varieties and their mixtures to further identify the finished product composition. The objects of study were samples of natural apple puree as semi-finished products made of apple varieties “Renet Simirenko”, “Ajdared”, “Grushovka moskovskaya” and mixed varieties. The traditional methods of determining the quality indices of apple puree have been used in the process of study. The concentrations of organic acids in the puree have been established by the method of gas chromatography. The organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters have been determined in apple puree. The active acidity (on average3.3) and titratable acidity calculated as malic acid (0.6-0.7%) do not depend on the apple variety. The highest jelly forming ability has been revealed in puree of apple variety “Renet Simirenko”, which is due to the increased pectin content. It has been found, that the ratio of potassium and magnesium in all samples does not have varietal differences and it ranges from 20.2 to 25.8. This index can serve as one of the identification criteria for the authenticity of apple puree. Important criteria are also the content of malic acid and the ratio of malic and citric acids in puree. The content of malic acid ranged from an average of 692 mg (puree of mixed varieties) to 770 mg (puree from “Renet Simirenko”). The estimated ratio of malic and citric acids in all puree samples, except puree from “Grushovka moskovskaya”, was 36.4-48.1. Taking into account the research results, the manufacturers of apple puree can use these data to identify it.