Volume 40, Issue 1, 2016
Development of new formulas and technologies of bakery and flour confectionery of high nutrition value is advantageous for the food industry. The increase of bakery product assortment is due to the use of additional raw materials, one of which is rice bran. The rice bran selected at the Krasnodar Territory rice mills was used as the object of research. The aim of the research was to study the effect of rice bran on protein-proteinase and carbohydrate-amylase complexes of wheat flour for justification of its introduction in bakery and the gluten-free flour confectionery of a functional purpose. In the presence of the studied supplement there are changes of starch properties, quantity and quality of wheat flour gluten and structural and mechanical characteristics of the dough. Assessment of the influence of rice bran on flour baking properties and physical properties of the dough resulted in the technological decision on the use of an intensive kneading in the course of which 10 and 15 per cent supplement is recommended to be brought in for ensuring functional properties of the product.
In the production of cereal beverage that is gaining increasing popularity with the population, the major raw material is barley malt, which is used mainly as a source of enzymes and extractives. The accumulation of fermentative capacity in grain occurs in the sprouting process. With the purpose of malting process intensification, different approaches are used, including the use of stimulators at different production stages, provoking the accumulation of gibberellic acid, which leads to consequent intensive formation of different spectrum enzymes in grain. The paper shows the possibility of intensifying the production of barley malt by adding an organic acid complex as a stimulator of biochemical processes at the stage of grain soaking. It was determined that the optimum concentration of the organic preparation added into the soaking water should be 10-9 mol/dm3. A positive effect of the recommended concentration of the organic acid complex on the accumulation of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes during all stages of malting has been shown. The proposed method of processing barley allows increasing the amylolytic activity of the malt by13 %, and the proteolytic activity by 6% regarding unprocessed grains. It is possible to reduce the period of malting by 1-2 days. The resulting malt has high qualitative and technological indices.
One of the ways to improve colloidal stability and organoleptic properties of beer is to control polyphenol constituents in unhopped beer applying adsorption method with carbon sorbents, sorption progressing dynamically. The adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort under dynamic conditions using carbonic sorbents has been studied in order to prove the possibility of using cheap carbon ABG and “Purolat Standard”. According to the obtained data, carbon sorbent “Purolat Standard” can be recommended for practical realization and designing the process of adsorption under dynamic conditions. The possibility of designing the process of content control of unhopped wort using carbon sorbent “Purolat Standard” has been proved experimentally. The calculation method for filter parameters and the modes of adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort has been suggested. The method is based on the outward diffusion equation of adsorption dynamics for isothermal line using the Dubinin-Radushkevich adsorption constants and the kinetic analysis data. The efficient filter parameters and the modes of adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort, which lead to the improvement of colloidal stability and organoleptic properties of beer, have been calculated. The method of waste sorbent “Purolat Standard” recovery after adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort has been suggested. The dependence of filtration rate on initial content of polyphenol compounds in wort has been found out. The required equipment and the operational modes of the apparatus providing the improvement in beer quality by the control of polyphenol constituents in wort have been recommended.
Fermentation processes are crucial in the formation of the organoleptic properties of fruit distillates. They are based on the activity of cultural yeasts of Saccharomyces type. During their metabolism in addition to ethanol, the main part of volatile components is formed representing secondary and by-products of spirit fermentation. The research object is fresh cherry fruits ( Prúnus subg. Cerásus ) of Vladimirskaya variety and fermented cherry pulp obtained by the fermentation under anaerobic conditions at the temperature of 20±2 deg. C to the content of residual sugars not more than 3.0 g/dm3 using a variety of domestic and imported yeast races. Special attention is paid to the influence of yeast race on the glycerin accumulation, composition of organic acids and volatile components of the fermented cherry pulp. The qualitative and quantitative composition of organic acids, sugars and glycerin was studied with the use of highly effective liquid chromatography; the composition of volatile components was determined by the method of gas chromatography. It has been shown that under identical conditions, active dry yeast has a number of advantages over the traditional starter - its application promotes the reduction of pulp fermentation by 1-3 days and more complete sugar fermentation. Certain distinctions in the qualitative composition of organic acids have been established. It has been shown that the race yeast of “SIHA Aktivhefe 3” (Germany) forms the least amount of glycerin. It has been established that depending on the yeast race used various amount of methanol is accumulated in the fermented cherry pulp. Its concentration for fruit distillates is strictly regulated. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the yeast race of “SIHA Aktivhefe 3” is the most preferable for the fermentation of the cherry pulp. It provides the most complete sugar fermentation and, respectively, higher accumulation of ethyl alcohol, and promotes the accumulation of the optimum composition of valuable aromatic components.
The development of food products with hypoallergenic properties is needed for widening the assortment of products for people with alimentary allergy and food intolerances. The purpose of the work is the development of compounding and evaluation of consumer properties of combined meat pastes, consisting of hypoallergenic raw material such as horsemeat and mutton, and containing in its composition dried dill and biologically active food additive “Polysorbovit-95”. The formulas of combined meat pastes were developed using a traditional technology. A comprehensive assessment of consumer properties of the finished pastes were carried out in accordance with ND RF and Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “About safety of meat and meat products” (TR CU 034/2013, adopted by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission on October 9, 2013 no. 68). The result of investigations is a formula of pastes which has the optimum ratio of horsemeat and mutton in terms of organoleptic properties, the optimum percentage of replacement of raw meat by dill, and the amount of introduced food supplements on the basis of dietary fiber. A general organoleptic evaluation of investigated samples has been done. A positive dynamics of changes in taste, texture and appearance of paste was noted when a plant component and BAA were introduced into a compound. The developed combined meat pastes containing in their formulas mutton and horsemeat, dill as a plant component and BAA “Polysorbovit-95” as a sorbent have high consumer properties, are safe, and may be recommended for hypoallergenic prophylactic and dietary nutrition after positive results of clinical trials. This study was supported by Program no. 1326 of the Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Federation.
The use of wastes of hardwood trees growing on the territory of Russia for the cultivation of mushroom Grifola frondos a (Dicks: Fr.) is an actual problem. The aim of the research was to study the possibility of using birch sawdust as a substrate for growing mushroom cultures G. frondosa . The article presents the dependence of the substrate overgrowing degree on the cultivation time (twenty four hours). In 17 days of cultivation, the most rapid substrate overgrowth with mycelium occurred in samples no. 1 and no. 5. The relatively slow substrate overgrowth was fixed in samples no. 2, no. 3 and no. 4 in 23 days of cultivation. It has been shown that the productivity of mushroom biomass is increased by the enrichment of the substrate with additional components. It has been proposed to allocate three stages of G. frondosa maturity - biological, technical and complete. It has been established that mainly the fruit bodies of the first wave achieve the stages of complete technical maturity, while the appearance and the linear dimensions of mushroom of the second wave correspond to the stage of technical and biological maturity. The total mushroom yield depending on the substrate mass was 26.8%. It has been found that G. frondosa mushroom can give up to five waves of fruit bodies. Depending on the fruiting wave the mushroom yield for the first wave is 60%, for the second - 25%, for the third - 6.2%, for the fourth - 5.7%, for the fifth - 3.1%. The results obtained are of a practical value and contribute to the development of biotechnology and commodity science of the "Mushrooms" commodity group.
Milk contains more than 100 different chemical and biological substances, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins in the most favorable assimilation form necessary for human life. It is known that the influence of different modes of high-temperature processing of raw milk significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in the final dairy product, indicating the need for the enrichment of milk and dairy products with these important components for the human body. The article presents the research results of the influence of technological factors on the vitamin and mineral value of pasteurized milk enriched with selenium and vitamins brought in food additives (“SELEX” and vitamin premix 963/7). A relatively high preservation (97-99%) of vitamins B6, B5, B9, PP has been established due to the action of technological factors (homogenization, pasteurization). The loss of ascorbic acid during the manufacturing process was 20% of the initial content in the composition of vitamin premix 963/7 because of its thermolability. The loss of selenium was 11% of the initial content in the “SELEX” composition due to the destructive effect of homogenization on the molecular integrity of biologically active substances. In 10 days of storage the preservation of vitamins B5 and C slightly decreased in the enriched samples of pasteurized milk, there was no loss of vitamins B6, B9, PP and selenium. Depending on the shelf life the consumption of the average daily serving (200 ml) of enriched pasteurized milk will meet the needs of an adult in the following micronutrients: selenium - 45.7%, vitamins B5 - 42.8-42.4%, B6 - 34.0%, PP - 28.0%, C - 23.3-22.7%, B9 - 21.0%.
In recent years, Russia has shown the increased interest of consumers to food products enriched with natural bioactive ingredients. The fundamental resource-saving technological scheme of production of fortified sugar confectionery has been developed. The authors justified the choice of raw materials of plant origin: fresh cowberry ( Vaccinium vitisidea ) and cranberry ( Vaccinium oxycoccos L. ) fruits, air-dried oregano shoots ( Origanum vulgare L. ) growing in the Krasnoyarsk region as functional ingredients. The usefulness of the development of functional purpose sugar confectionery from cowberry and cranberry fruits soaked in "Oregano" syrup based on an aqueous extract of oregano shoots has been proven. The change in vitamin C concentration in plant raw materials under the influence of heat treatment has been studied, which helped to justify the optimum thermal conditions for ensuring the preservation of vitamin C. A distinctive feature of the developed resource-saving technological scheme is pre-saturation of fruit and berry raw material with the origanum complex of biologically active substances and integrated use of original plant ingredients. The research of microbiological, toxicological, physical and chemical indices of the enriched sugar confectionary - “Cranberry in chocolate”, “Cowberry in chocolate”, proved the sanitary and hygienic safety and functional qualities of the products.
Inorganic iodine compounds allowed for the enrichment of food products do not always provide the necessary concentration of iodine, the stability and the uniformity of the distribution, often change color and flavor characteristics of the product. More promising, thermostable, chemically inert in this respect is “Iodine casein” organic iodine compound which is biologically active additive, developed by LLC “Medbiopharm” (Obninsk, Kaluga region). “Iodine casein” is a major milk protein containing iodine atoms. Iodine is included into the list of micronutrients recommended for enrichment of confectionery. It is for the first time that the results of studies on the use of “Iodine casein” in marshmallow production technology have been presented. Three recipes of marshmallow with agar for different age and gender groups of the population have been developed. Dosages of “Iodine casein” calculated for each recipe, were accordingly (mg/kg product): 19.5; 64.9; 15.6. Studies of organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters of the finished marshmallow were carried out according to standardized methods. The concentrations of iodine have been determined in the laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Omsk region by the method of cathodic stripping voltammetry. It was found that all parameters of the enriched marshmallow conformed to the requirements of GOST 6441 and did not differ from the control sample (without additives). The iodine content in all samples of marshmallow conformed to the calculated values, loss of the additive in the production process was not observed. Two pieces of marshmallow: “Vanil'naya -Iodine+” and “Detskaya - Iodine +” contained about 50% of the recommended daily norm of iodine consumption. The iodine content in the 2 pieces of marshmallow: “Vanil'naya - Iodine+ (Forte)” was approximately the daily norm of consumption for pregnant and lactating women. Marshmallow enriched with “Iodine casein” is a product that can be recommended for the prevention of iodine deficiency disorders.
The need to organize waste-free use of recyclable milk raw is due to its adverse environmental effects when released as part of waste water and the presence in it of valuable food components, which can be used in main production. The most promising method for carrying out complex processing of whey is based on the use of high-molecular liquid poly-disperse system ultrafiltration. However, the permeability of polymeric membranes recommended for use in the food industry, leading to the related equipment performance is not high enough. This is the main factor that prevents the dairy industry from the widespread adoption of this method. The working hypothesis of the research is as follows: the effectiveness of baromembrane separation of recyclable milk raw material (quark whey) increases via pre-cleaning of systems undergoing separation from proteins with natural polysaccharides, the source of which is the extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Analysis of the results obtained confirmed the validity of the hypothesis. Adding stevia components into quark whey may improve organoleptic characteristics of the latter, enrich the composition of food and change the physical - chemical properties of the whey as the object to ultrafiltration. Technology of quark whey processing based of its composition modification through the addition of the natural plant sweetener (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) components, and its subsequent ultrafiltration improves the efficiency of using this type of recyclable milk raw materials in food production.
Semi-finished products are "convenient" food intended for fast cooking, which plays an important part in the modern society of mobile people with the rapid pace of life. Fruit and vegetable semi-finished products are low in calories, relatively high in vitamin C and carbohydrates, and they require less time for cooking. Shape, color and texture of the cooked fruit and vegetable semi-finished products are slightly different from fresh products. The quality of raw materials used and methods of fruit and vegetable processing are important in the production of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products. The most appropriate method of fruit and vegetable storage is refrigeration preservation. It is important to know the laws of changing the thermophysical properties of the mixture components for freezing and low temperature storage of fruits and vegetables. Changes in fractions of frozen moisture, specific enthalpy, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, component density of “Vegetable mixture for soup” have been determined. The calculation is based on the physical model of moisture crystallization in glucose, sucrose and fructose solutions in water. The mass fractions of moisture, sugars and starch of each component were taken into account. The dependences of thermophysical properties on temperature changes were obtained during freezing. The character of changing curves obtained in determining the thermophysical properties was analyzed. It has been revealed that bursts of heat release during crystallization of components occur at cryoscopic temperatures, eutectic temperatures of crystallization of fructose, sucrose and glucose solutions. The values of thermophysical properties for fresh and frozen ingredients have been identified. The most favorable temperature to store fruit and vegetable mixtures to prevent the growth of microorganisms and extend their shelf life is -22 deg. C. It is necessary to consider the gas component in determining the thermophysical properties of porous bodies and in calculating the additivity equations.
The standard of living of the population in any country is determined by several criteria, the key one is nutrition. In the Russian Federation, there are a number of relevant normative and legislative documents, both presidential decrees concerning the organization of nutrition in different socio-demographic groups including children and the assessment of actual nutrition, including the state of diet nutritive value. The researches periodically conducted in the field of food hygiene clearly show the dependence of health level of individuals or groups of people on certain lifestyle factors, including deviations from the recommended standards of food consumption (the estimated share of the most susceptible population is 50.7 %). There is an obvious need to carry out work aimed at the study of actual nutrition of the population systematically. An integrated approach to the assessment of the nutrition structure is offered. It is based on the main principles of the Concept of optimal nutrition, a comprehensive structure assessment of diet nutritive value (including the caloric value and the content analysis of 18 different nutrients), the analysis of real energy consumption of a person, the corrective actions with the financial component, the application of original, duly registered computer programs: “Calculation of nutritive value of diets”, “Energy consumption and health”, “Calculation of the food density index”. These programs provide an opportunity to comprehensively assess the diet nutritive value of different population groups, to determine the real need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates based on the calculated energy consumption, to calculate a number of important indices that determine person welfare. The use of software enables to considerably reduce the time of data processing, to improve the result accuracy and, ultimately, to conduct more productively researches of applied nature in the field of nutrition and food hygiene.
Nowadays the use of plant raw materials of the Far East receives increasing relevance for food purposes. The article presents the research on safety and relative biological value of drinks on the basis of extracts of Manchurian walnut pericarp using the test for protozoa, in particular, on Tetrahymena pyriformis infusorian. The results obtained show that the drinks on the basis of the extract of Manchurian walnut pericarp and hawthorn infusion have beneficial effect on the growth and development of protozoa. It has been shown that protozoa generation and the size of their cells increase with storage and slightly differ from the control sample. Besides, tests of the presented samples possess rather high biological value. Turbidity and molding of the environment in tests are not observed with the increase of storage life. It indicates that the drinks on the basis of the extract of Manchurian walnut pericarp and hawthorn contain biologically active agents preventing the development and growth of micromycetes, sporous, semi-pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria. The quality assessment of the drink on the basis of the extract of Manchurian walnut pericarp with the addition of hawthorn infusion has been conducted in microbiological indices and the content of heavy metals in it.
There is a need to develop methods for rapid determination of palm oil in dairy products because of the mass application of palm oil to replace milk fat. The possibility of applying thermal analysis methods to identify palm oil in emulsified fat products has been investigated in the given paper. The samples of sour cream of domestic and foreign production and the samples of mayonnaise of domestic production were used as the object of study. The study of composition of emulsified fat products was conducted using the methods of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Thermal analysis methods (DSC, TGA/DTA) enable to identify the availability of palm oil in mayonnaise. DSC method enables to identify the presence of fats of non-dairy origin according to the melting temperature in the range of 30-50 deg. C in sour cream. TGA method can determine the mass fraction of fat by the residue weight after the water evaporation. The research conducted shows that five out of six investigated samples of sour cream are sour cream products. All test samples of olive mayonnaise do not have olive oil, and mayonnaise “Maheev” and “Persona” contain palm oil in their composition, and “Lies” and “Sloboda” mayonnaise contain sunflower oil.
The year 2014 is characterized by the worsening of the economic situation in Russia, which negatively affected consumer activity of citizens and provokes an increase in violations of consumers’ rights in certain sectors of the consumer market of food products. In this regard, the research on identifying violations in the consumer market of food products on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region has been conducted. In 2014 the number of inspections decreased in 1.2 times compared with 2013. It has been established that the main causes of complaints was as follows: the sale of goods not conforming to the requirements of normative documents, the provision of services of inadequate quality, the lack of adequate and reliable information about products, violation of terms of service performance period, the inclusion of terms infringing consumers’ rights in the contract. The system of organs involved in the protection of consumers’ rights in the Sverdlovsk region revealed about 71.5 thousand violations (82.7 thousand violations in 2013). In 2014, there were 3 violations per a check, which is above 1.1 times in comparison with 2013. Compared with 2013 the proportion of defective meat products increased by 1.1 times, dairy products by 2.6 times, fish products by 1.3 times, bakery products by 1.3 times, confectionery products by 1.4 times. According to the criteria of falsification the proportion of poor samples of canned meat increased by 1.5 times and amounted to 65.5%; that of sausage products by 1.1 times and amounted to 64.3% ; and that of frozen chicken meat by 1.6 times and amounted to 31.3%. It has been found out that the goods most often subjected to counterfeiting are sausages, canned meat, frozen chicken and milk chocolate.
In the global market, food sales are connected with two opposing trends. On one hand, new markets are appearing and the number of suppliers is increasing as well as the range of goods. On the other hand, the growth in the number of producers means intensification of competition. Local food producers have to deal with the optimal location problem for their outlets, taking into account potential and existing competitors. The solution to the problem can be based on spatial competition theory conclusions particularly using some spatial competition models. The given methodology is chosen for the research purposes. The article gives some definitions of such concept as “economic space” and “spatial competition”, which enables the analysis and helps find disadvantages of the existing spatial competition models. The agent's economic space is created for differentiation of interests and is a result of the competition. Spatial competition is an imperfect competition of producers (dealers) for the share of market space by means of price tools. Some regressions are built to look into relations between the number and density of firms and the number and density of population in the cities. The analysis is based on real data about shops' locations in Siberia Federal District. It is found that there is not any dependence between wages and the number and density of population in the cities. The built regressions show that additional centripetal forces exist in the cities. It means that simple theoretical models of spatial competition describe the reality inaccurately and it's more useful to apply more sophisticated models. So, the competition level depends on the agent's location. The competition is decreasing near administrative borders because the price is higher due to transport costs. However, diminishing of transport costs can lead to the concentration of production in large markets or near them.
The effectiveness of a company largely depends on the correct control strategies, the company economic potential, and the competitiveness of products including the level of costs. Today rational management involves a regulating directed increase on the "input - output" process. According to the authors, one of the mechanisms for the effective cost management is the mechanism of budgeting. The introduction of the budgeting system will increase the efficiency of the material and financial resources saving mode and enable the management to obtain objective information about the activities of the enterprise, to measure the performance of various functional areas and business units efficiently. The purpose of the research is to develop methodical bases of cost reduction in the manufacture of food products at AIC enterprises and to implement budgeting elements. To control the mechanism of cost management it is necessary to systematize the existing approaches in this problem highlighting the most important of them. Analysis of the economic literature on the problem has led to the conclusion that today there is no solid theoretical foundation for the "cost management" concept. In this regard, the authors formulate their own definition as follows: "Cost management is a system of influence on the constituent elements of procurement, production and sale processes of production, as well as the inputs and outputs of these processes through a dynamic information system of diagnostics of facilities’ costs, providing preventive and quick identification of potential areas for optimization and reduction of production costs and making effective management decisions in order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises". This definition allows us to identify a number of necessary conditions that form the basis of cost management: the systematic nature of management; the availability of relevant, actually-structured information for optimization of specific management costs; consideration of relationship between supply, production and marketing processes; focusing on improving the ability of enterprises to compete in a particular market.
The article discusses new aspects of the theory and practice of economic and food security when realizing the policy of import substitution in the agro-industrial complex. The formation of individual points of growth in the agro-industrial complex is noted, the estimate of import substitution and its influence on the socio-economic situation in Russia being multiple-valued. Attention is focused on the absence of serious progress in import substitution in the sphere of agricultural production. The development of own production capable of offsetting the decline in imports has not yet acquired sustainable, full-volume character. The major causes of the situation are highlighted; their influence on the process of import substitution is justified. The economic and food security state and import substitution as a government policy are discussed. The study concludes that the reduction of food imports has not yet led to accelerated development of home production. Rising of prices, changing in the structure of food consumption, reduced solvency of the population have raised the bar for food availability and lowered the level of economic security. An attempt is made to put the task of considering the factors characterizing the influence of the "war of sanctions" in the methodology of assessing the economic and food security.
The article presents assessments of industry competitive position using the example of the food industry. For these purposes, the concept of "branch" has been disclosed, which is given as a group of companies in the study area. An attempt was made to consider the industrial enterprises from the position of the object and the subject of market relations. Its competitiveness is determined not only by the presence of resource competitive advantages (when considered as an object), but also their level of use (when considering the company as the subject of market relations). According to this, industry's competitive position are grouped into two subgroups - basic and managed, highlighting in basic industry competitive positions of the two parts. The first part reflects the general characteristics achieved by the market in which the enterprise is working, and the second part reflects the general characteristics of the industry itself. Evaluation of the competitive position of the industry it is more expedient to carry out on the selection criteria (parameters), and complete the analysis and evaluation of the five driving forces in the industry (according to M. Porter). Porters model of five forces are not only the most widely used, but also quite easy to use. The article proposes an algorithm which includes four successive steps, and the results of expert assessments to test the Porters model, to analyze the competitiveness of the Kemerovo meat-packing plant and the development of recommendations for its improvement. All the results of the expert survey are presented in Tables templates.
For full providing the population with food resources, among other things, requires proper training of relevant personnel. Their quality determines successful functioning of enterprises of the food industry and, above all, depends on the knowledge received by experts in educational organizations. For analysis the attitude of students of Kemerovo technological Institute of food industry (University) to the quality of professional training in the University, a questionnaire was conducted among students enrolled by the methods which include for the three elements: the level of students discipline, their skills, preparedness to work, and the final assessment of the quality of vocational training. The results showed that above the others was an indicator of the level of responsible attitude of students to learning, to discipline, but below - the level of their abilities, not only in the comparison of the three assessments with each other, but in comparison with the average data of nine educational institutions of higher education of the Kemerovo region. Identified problematic aspects, such as low achievement level of students, involvement in a future professional activity, insufficient attention to independent work and some others, allowed us to propose a number of considerations which should improve the quality of training of specialists in the food industry and, as a consequence, in the perspective to improve the provision of the population with food.
The main problem of assessing the implementation of program-target method is reducing to the analysis of efficiency of public investment in sector by comparing the average result on a set of target indicators and the results of the financing without time factor. The purpose of research work is to develop methodical and practical recommendations for improvement of approaches to assessing efficiency of the program-target method in agroindustrial sector of the Kemerovo region for providing its population with food commodities. Considered the position of regional leaders to assessing the efficiency of the government programs in agroindustrial sector of the Kemerovo region, which is described in the "The regulation on government programs of the Kemerovo region" N 58 dated 21.02.2013 approved by the decision of Administration of the Kemerovo region, and the government program "State support of agroindustrial sector development in the Kemerovo region" for 2014-2016". In this resolution coefficient approach with absolute (value and natural) quantitative and quality indicators does not take into account the time factor and the influence of financing on results in separate sub-sectors. In this research work we propose the possibility of using correlation and regression analysis for the purpose of establishing the impact of financing from different budgets and extrabudgetary funds on the main resulting indicators (production of meat and milk) on the example of the national project "Development of agriculture" in the Kemerovo region. There is selected the most important models in assessing the efficiency of the government program with program-target method. The results of this analysis revealed that the production of meat and milk in the region depend heavily on financing from regional and local budgets.
The analysis of an average margin and methods of pricing at different foodservice establishments (FE) under the conditions of the region (The Kemerovo region) is presented in the article. Factors for margin determination at FE are revealed: the cost of dish formula ingredients, labor costs, a price - volume of sales ratio, category of dishes, and the average level of a margin is given in different kinds of foodservice establishments. Methods of pricing are characterized basing on expenses, demand assessment, and competition assessment. The comparative analysis has been carried out. Basing on the analysis of the methods the algorithm of prices determination for FE products and goods purchased for FE under regional conditions is offered. The equation for calculation of a margin at FE formulated according to the offered algorithm was used for calculating the minimum margin (a profitability point margin) for FE of different kinds (a cafe, a restaurant). The results of researches show the urgency of pricing strategy in the sphere of foodservice industry. Taking into account the price increase for raw materials under the existing economic situation the following recommendations may be given: determining the product price it is necessary to control its lower price bounds using a method based on expenses; when a consumer demand is decreasing marketing methods of pricing are the primary ones, the external borders being determining. The results of the analysis of a margin at FE are recommended for practical application.