ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


In the production of cereal beverage that is gaining increasing popularity with the population, the major raw material is barley malt, which is used mainly as a source of enzymes and extractives. The accumulation of fermentative capacity in grain occurs in the sprouting process. With the purpose of malting process intensification, different approaches are used, including the use of stimulators at different production stages, provoking the accumulation of gibberellic acid, which leads to consequent intensive formation of different spectrum enzymes in grain. The paper shows the possibility of intensifying the production of barley malt by adding an organic acid complex as a stimulator of biochemical processes at the stage of grain soaking. It was determined that the optimum concentration of the organic preparation added into the soaking water should be 10-9 mol/dm3. A positive effect of the recommended concentration of the organic acid complex on the accumulation of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes during all stages of malting has been shown. The proposed method of processing barley allows increasing the amylolytic activity of the malt by13 %, and the proteolytic activity by 6% regarding unprocessed grains. It is possible to reduce the period of malting by 1-2 days. The resulting malt has high qualitative and technological indices.
Barley malt, organic acid complex, malt technology improvement, enzyme activity of the malt
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