ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The development of food products with hypoallergenic properties is needed for widening the assortment of products for people with alimentary allergy and food intolerances. The purpose of the work is the development of compounding and evaluation of consumer properties of combined meat pastes, consisting of hypoallergenic raw material such as horsemeat and mutton, and containing in its composition dried dill and biologically active food additive “Polysorbovit-95”. The formulas of combined meat pastes were developed using a traditional technology. A comprehensive assessment of consumer properties of the finished pastes were carried out in accordance with ND RF and Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “About safety of meat and meat products” (TR CU 034/2013, adopted by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission on October 9, 2013 no. 68). The result of investigations is a formula of pastes which has the optimum ratio of horsemeat and mutton in terms of organoleptic properties, the optimum percentage of replacement of raw meat by dill, and the amount of introduced food supplements on the basis of dietary fiber. A general organoleptic evaluation of investigated samples has been done. A positive dynamics of changes in taste, texture and appearance of paste was noted when a plant component and BAA were introduced into a compound. The developed combined meat pastes containing in their formulas mutton and horsemeat, dill as a plant component and BAA “Polysorbovit-95” as a sorbent have high consumer properties, are safe, and may be recommended for hypoallergenic prophylactic and dietary nutrition after positive results of clinical trials. This study was supported by Program no. 1326 of the Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Federation.
Horsemeat, mutton, dill, BAA “Polysorbovit”, pastes, hypoallergenic raw materials
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