ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Milk contains more than 100 different chemical and biological substances, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins in the most favorable assimilation form necessary for human life. It is known that the influence of different modes of high-temperature processing of raw milk significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in the final dairy product, indicating the need for the enrichment of milk and dairy products with these important components for the human body. The article presents the research results of the influence of technological factors on the vitamin and mineral value of pasteurized milk enriched with selenium and vitamins brought in food additives (“SELEX” and vitamin premix 963/7). A relatively high preservation (97-99%) of vitamins B6, B5, B9, PP has been established due to the action of technological factors (homogenization, pasteurization). The loss of ascorbic acid during the manufacturing process was 20% of the initial content in the composition of vitamin premix 963/7 because of its thermolability. The loss of selenium was 11% of the initial content in the “SELEX” composition due to the destructive effect of homogenization on the molecular integrity of biologically active substances. In 10 days of storage the preservation of vitamins B5 and C slightly decreased in the enriched samples of pasteurized milk, there was no loss of vitamins B6, B9, PP and selenium. Depending on the shelf life the consumption of the average daily serving (200 ml) of enriched pasteurized milk will meet the needs of an adult in the following micronutrients: selenium - 45.7%, vitamins B5 - 42.8-42.4%, B6 - 34.0%, PP - 28.0%, C - 23.3-22.7%, B9 - 21.0%.
Pasteurized milk, enriched foods, selenium, vitamins, micronutrient safety, vitamin and mineral value
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