ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The main problem of assessing the implementation of program-target method is reducing to the analysis of efficiency of public investment in sector by comparing the average result on a set of target indicators and the results of the financing without time factor. The purpose of research work is to develop methodical and practical recommendations for improvement of approaches to assessing efficiency of the program-target method in agroindustrial sector of the Kemerovo region for providing its population with food commodities. Considered the position of regional leaders to assessing the efficiency of the government programs in agroindustrial sector of the Kemerovo region, which is described in the "The regulation on government programs of the Kemerovo region" N 58 dated 21.02.2013 approved by the decision of Administration of the Kemerovo region, and the government program "State support of agroindustrial sector development in the Kemerovo region" for 2014-2016". In this resolution coefficient approach with absolute (value and natural) quantitative and quality indicators does not take into account the time factor and the influence of financing on results in separate sub-sectors. In this research work we propose the possibility of using correlation and regression analysis for the purpose of establishing the impact of financing from different budgets and extrabudgetary funds on the main resulting indicators (production of meat and milk) on the example of the national project "Development of agriculture" in the Kemerovo region. There is selected the most important models in assessing the efficiency of the government program with program-target method. The results of this analysis revealed that the production of meat and milk in the region depend heavily on financing from regional and local budgets.
Target-oriented method, assessment the efficiency of the government programs, national project "Development of agriculture", correlation and regression analysis, food commodities of the region
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