ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The meat of the Altai marals is an exclusive raw material for production of fermented meat products, as it has special dietary properties because of the large number of complete protein, low fat content, rich mineral composition and should be used for the production of delicacies. The aim of our research was to assess the technological value of different parts of the maral meat carcass, to select and justify the use of certain parts of meat butchering in the technology of uncooked smoked fermented products. Comprehensive assessment was carried out on the basis of tissue structure study, histological studies, nutritional value, physico-chemical and functional-technological properties of boneless meat of certain parts of a carcass and individual muscles. To determine parameters under study standard and original methods were applied. The results of determining the morphological structure and cut yield from the combined butchering of Altai marals are presented in the article. New data characterizing the ratio of muscular and connective tissue in certain muscles, and interrelated indices of food and biological value, structural and mechanical properties are indicated too. Technological properties of muscles of different nutritional value and composition of tissue, values of solubility of muscle proteins were studied. Based on the comprehensive research, recommendations on rational use of raw materials, among which is the premium class products manufacture including fermented uncooked smoked delicacies are given. It was found that for the manufacture of minced meat fermented products trans- and pre-spinal muscles of maral shoulder, back and deltoid muscles are particularly suitable, because they are small in size, have less developed perimysium, high degree of water-soluble and salt-soluble proteins extraction. All this best meets the needs of rational use of maral meat having high technological and biological potential.
Maral meat, butchering of maral carcass, fabric composition of maral meat, functional and technological properties, solubility of proteins, smoked products
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