ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The supply of consumers with available functional foods is the main objective of the food processing industry. Considering adverse environmental conditions in most regions of Russia, foods must not only provide the body with necessary substances but also protect people from the adverse external environment impact. This task is carried out by foods containing pectin. Pectin or pectin substances are components of all plants. The most valuable property of pectin substances is their ability to form insoluble complexes enabling the body to get rid of heavy metals, radionuclide, toxins, etc. The above property is found in pectin extracted from sugar beets, sun- flower heads, cotton shutters. The aim of the research is to study the heads of different varieties of sunflower grown in the Krasnodar region and the possibility to use the obtained sunflower pectin in functional foods. Mass fraction of pectin substances in sunflower heads of different varieties has been determined as well as their yield as the main index which characterizes the technological im- portance of raw materials to be processed. In the obtained samples of pectin the degree of esterification has been determined. It is one of the main factors influencing the complex-forming ability. Mass fraction of ballast substances and pure pectin has been also deter- mined. Research results show high purity of obtained samples of pectin allowing us to develop new types of functional beverages containing sunflower pectin. The developed drinks have high organoleptic and physicochemical indices and can be recommended as preventive dietary foods for the population of Russia.
Sunflower head, pectin, the degree of esterification, ballast substances, functional drinks
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