ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The development of production technologies by implementation of new or modernized equipment is the most efficient way to raise their efficiency and improve the product quality. Implementation of the extractor with an oscillating plate in a concentrated fruit extracts production line leads not only to the significant shortening of material processing but also to the increase in the concentration of desired components in the obtained extract. The increase of integrity and improvement of quality of modernized technology when implementing new equipment is an important task that require the design of an operator model of the discussed technology based on the methodology of workflow theory. The bottleneck of the model has been defined. It is the subsystem of the formation of intermediate product with given quality parameters. The stability of subsystem functioning has been calculated when using an extractor with an external recirculation contour and without it. The level of system integrity has been determined. To value the stability of subsystem functioning, according to preliminary researches, the following parameters have been determined: estimated period (60 min), required sample numbers (25 samples), allowable limit of parameter divergence (5%). The research results show that the extractor equipped with an external recirculation contour provides stability of functioning of the subsystem of intermediate product formation equal to 1, comparing with 0.47 (without the external recirculation contour). The obtained value of subsystem functioning stability stimulates the increase of system integrity, which value (in case of using the extractor with an oscillating plate) is 0.75.
Fruit extract, system, subsystem, extractor with an oscillating plate, external recirculation contour
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