Consumer behavior in the market of vodka has a number of specific features. Often taste, aroma, and other characteristics of brands from different manufacturers do not have important differences. It is impossible to evaluate them at the time of purchasing. Recognizable drinks are preferred. The main selection criteria are one’s own consumption experience and recommendations of friends. It is a very difficult task to promote a new brand of vodka under the conditions of normative restrictions on advertising. A good name will play a huge role in successful solution of the problem. Professional approach to naming based on the results of marketing research will create a more attractive product for consumers. In this paper, the authors analyze the existing typology of vodka names. Taking them into account for the purposes of market research nine types of names of vodka are identified: natural (ecological); patriotic ("Rossijskoe"); foreign/pseudo foreign; reflecting a certain type of activity; belonging to a certain group; emotion and creating mood; associated with the technology of production; associated with the characteristics of the drink composition; associated with a character; associated with the place of origin. The use of these types of names by Russian manufacturers of vodka has been estimated. The degree of use of each type has been established. The authors have summarized the results of the inquest of consumers of vodka in the city of Kemerovo which concerned the attractiveness of different types of names depending on sex and age of the respondents. Differences in attractiveness of different types of names among people of different age have been identified. The data obtained can be used by producers to improve the efficiency of naming and further promotion of new brands of vodka.Keywords
Promotion, naming, vodka, marketing researchREFERENCES
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