To date the prior task of the region economy in the field of agribusiness development is an accelerated import substitution through the creation of conditions for accelerated growth in the volume of own production. Agricultural production is a guarantee of the region's food self-sufficiency. In order to meet the challenges aimed at ensuring the food security of the country the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a number of important agriculture state programs the general objective of which is the development of agriculture and the expansion of its activities with the aim of increasing production volumes. Rural territories perform a number of national functions, the main one being the production function because it captures the essence of the adopted state programs. The purpose of the study is to analyze the degree of fulfillment of the production functions by rural territories of the Kemerovo region using the criterion of food self-sufficiency. The criteria of fulfilling the production function by rural territories have been established. The degree of fulfilling of this function in the period of 2000-2014 has been determined on the basis of self- sufficiency indices. The influence of production factors on self-sufficiency has been analyzed. The resources required to carry out a production function by rural territories have been identified. Methods of comparative analysis and correlation-and-regression analysis have been applied. Regression models of the influence of agricultural resource factors on the level of self-sufficiency have been built. Conclusions on the criteria that can be used to estimate the degree of fulfilling the production functions by rural territories have been made. Prior factors and their use for increasing the food self-sufficiency of the region have been identified.Keywords
Rural territory, production function, food self-sufficiency, a regression modelREFERENCES
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