ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


It has been found that the improper storage of buckwheat grain lead to its quality worsening. As a result hatched, sprouted, blackpoint grains as well as grains with damaged fruit shell appear. Moisture-heat treatment at the stage of hydrothermal treatment leads to the condition when defective grains darken and become rotted, the mass fraction of the output decreases, the amount of crushed core and the mass fraction of waste increase. So, the study of defective grains is urgent. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of hydrothermal treatment on mechanical properties of buckwheat grain stored under snow. The objects of study are the core and grits of buckwheat harvested in spring 2015 after thawing of snow as well as the core and grits of normal quality. Analysis of buckwheat grain harvested in spring suggests that all test samples meet the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of quality and safety and can be used for processing into buckwheat grits. The study on mass fraction of grain processing products has been conducted. The microstructure of the core surface of defective grains and that of sound grains is given; their mechanical characteristics have been investigated. The results show that the grain without post-harvest treatment and stored in improper condition is not uniform in its physical-chemical and mechanical properties. The research results make it possible to confirm that the grain stored in improper conditions differs from the normal one in low mechanical strength and increased proportion of defective grains. Their presence should be considered when preparing grain for processing.
Buckwheat grain, grain of spring harvest period, strength, core, hydrothermal treatment, the grain defects, grain storage
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