a Siberian Federal University
b Krasnoyarsk Agrarian University
c Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)
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Flour confectionery products are a promising group of food products for enrichment with food fibers. In the domestic literature studies on the development of recipes and technologies for muffins with various types of dietary fiber obtained from natural sources of raw materials are presented. However, there is no information on the use of the functional ingredient - pectin of woody greens of Scotch pine - in the cake. It has been revealed that this group of flour confectionery products with taste-aromatic foodadditives is realized in the food market of Krasnoyarsk. The development of the recipe and the evaluation of the quality of a new type of cake having chemical raising agent based on pectin of woody greens contributes to the solution of regional problems in providing population with a mass product that allows satisfying consumer's growing demand for "healthy products" that reduce the negative impact of the unfavorable ecological situation in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Carrying out the research we used common standardized methods of analysis; the results obtained were processed by regression analysis. It has been established that the introduction of pectin does not affect the smell of finished products. Constructing the mathematical model the factors "form", "smell", "taste" have been excluded since they are statistically insignificant in the process of regression analysis. The resulting regression equation linking the complex evaluation, the results of surface estimates, fracture type, structure and pectin content allowed us to determine the optimum amount of pectin of woody greens of Scotch pine equal to 9% of the fat mass in the cake recipe. The set dosage does not affect the sugar content and alkalinity. At the same time, an increase in the porosity and specific volume of the enriched finished product to 13.5% and 22.6%, respectively, compared to the control sample has been revealed. The developed "Krasnoyarskiy" cake recipe makes it possible to enrich the flour confectionery product with a functional ingredient in the volume of 50% of FNR to reduce the fat content by 8%. The results obtained are necessary for the development of technical documentation.
pectin of woody greens of Scotch pine,
common enrichment,
mathematical processing,
quality evaluation
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