ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The use of FTIR spectroscopy to determine the authenticity of the raw material has been actively applied in recent years. This method has several advantages: one can examine any of the samples, in any form or state of aggregation - solids and liquids, powders, pastes, granules, suspensions, fibers, etc. The study of the obtained IR spectra of fruit raw material has shown that each type of raw material has differences in patters, in the degree of intensity of absorption bands and the area under the spectral absorption curve that appears to be determined by chemical composition characteristics of raw materials. It has been found that using the method of FTIR spectroscopy of frustrated total internal reflection one can obtain IR spectra of individual fruit raw material. It is experimentally proved that FTIR attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy method allows identification of fruit raw materials. The obtained individual IR spectra and spectral characteristics (absorption band intensity and the area under the spectral absorption curve) are strictly specific to each type of raw material and due, apparently, the morphological features of structure and chemical composition. They allow us to identify species when introducing the standard sample spectrum into the instrument library. The investigation of the possibility of applying the method of FTIR spectroscopy to identify the fruit raw material in complex food systems has shown that this method allows us to determine the presence of the fruit raw material in the product, but it is impossible to identify the species it belongs to.
Fruit raw material, spectroscopy, FTIR, identification of species, plant raw material, falsification of food products
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