ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Results of the research on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fresh Jerusalem artichoke fruit distillate are presented in this work. It has been found that the volume of absolute alcohol produced from 1 ton of raw material is ranging from 8.5 to 11.1 dal. The largest volume of ethanol equivalent to 1 ton of raw materials’ inuline (potentially fermentable carbohydrates) is produced from the wort sample prepared using the two-step method and 3 days of fermentation period (63.9 dal) that is equal to the volume of ethanol produced from the grain. It is shown that cutting the time of fermentation period leads to decrease in the yield of ethanol. Analysis of the composition of volatile compounds of the Jerusalem artichoke distillate with consideration for the threshold concentration allows us to conclude that the main higher alcohols (1- propanol, isobutanol, isoamylol) and acetaldehyde are the main flavor components, the rest are background flavor components. To find a correlation between the content of volatile compounds and the distinctive tones present in taste and aroma of Jerusalem artichoke distillate sensory profiles have been developed using the results of degustation. The descriptor words which were further taken as a basis of the sensory profiles have been developed during the degustation evaluation. The analysis of Jerusalem artichoke distillate’s sensory profiles has shown that the best organoleptic characteristics belong to the sample produced from the fresh Jerusalem artichoke fruit, prepared using the two-step method and 2 days fermentation period. Basing on obtained results requirements for quality parameters of the distillate from Jerusalem artichokefresh tubers have been formulated. Results of research make it possible to state the perspective of distillate from Jerusalem artichoke fresh fruit, and find the optimum method of raw material preparation and operating conditions of wort fermentation for production of distillate with appropriate organoleptic characteristics.
Distillate from Jerusalem artichoke, yield of ethanol, volatile compounds, organoleptic characteristic
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