ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Optimization of nutrition of the population as a whole and of individual groups in particular is an urgent problem that requires a solution. As for the nutrition optimization programs, it is advisable to consider the research objectives with subsequent solutions in the form of innovation projects. The system “science, education - production - market”, as a base for the innovation project, implies that it is better to generate and scientifically reason the "ideas" on the basis of scientific and technical creativity methods. The complexity of using such methods lies in the detailed theoretical study, on the one hand, and insufficient experience in implementing them in food industry and public catering while conducting the researches, on the other hand. Problem-solving in the sphere of nutrition is a multifaceted and unusual task. It requires focusing on priority area of research that is the subject area ofresearch. To do that the authors used a synectics method which was interpreted to solve a particular problem. The main point of the interpretation is to use four analogies as in the classical version, and only one direct analogy. The choice of synectors is one of the most difficult tasks in using the method, since the members of the working group should know and be able to use the methods of scientific and technical creativity, have creative thinking and know the issues that exist in the field of their expertise thoroughly, as they will make decisions in this area. The synectors’ task is to determine explicit and implicit knowledge using the information they have about the problem and its possible solutions. As a result, implicit knowledge will become the subject area of the study, within which the research is relevant. The result of the synectors’ analysis was the determination of the perspective research area related to the development of new food products with guaranteed consumer properties and demanded on the market. The generalization of the research results on the basis of the synectics method made it possible to give recommendations presented as an algorithm of the research subject determination based on the example of developing new food products for students.
New food products, development, methods of scientific and technical creativity, explicit knowledge, implicit knowledge, research subject area
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