ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article presents the results of evaluation of antiulcer and stress prevention activity of the developed types of bakery products made using top-grade wheat flour with extracts from aquatic and plant species of the Far East in the experimental animal testing. The research was carried out in the laboratories of School of Biomedicine and School of Economics and Management of Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok city). The experimental research was carried out in collaboration with the members of the department of pharmacy (Pacific State Medical University). The research was approved by the Ethnics Committee of Pacific State Medical University (Vladivostok city). The authors added new ingredients to the recipes of the baked goods produced from top-grade wheat flour. In particular, they added aqueous and ethanolic extracts from brown seaweeds as a biologically active supplementFukolam® (aquatic resources) and aqueous and ethanolic extracts from arrowwood, magnolia-vine, grape (Far East plant resources). Such a choice of the additives was due to their chemical composition. The authors proved their general stress prevention activity as a compound of the baked goods. General stress prevention activity and antiulcer activity (as its part) of the developed types of bakery products were studied in the process of animal testing using standard experimental model of the neurogenic damage to stomach lining, so called stress ulcers, in accordance with the method developed by Yu. I. Dobryakov (1996) considering the parameters of organism general stress level and antiulcer activity. The obtained results showed general stress prevention activity and antiulceractivity when testing animals were fed with bakery products which consisted of the extracts mentioned above. They became more resistant to experimental stress compared to the control groups which got the same bread but without any additives. Besides, animals which got bakery products with Vibrurnum L . (arrowwood extract), Vitis Аmurensis (grape seeds extract) and Fucus evanescens (brown seaweed) showed the best results. The obtained results make it possible to determine the developed types of the bakery goods produced from top-grade wheat flour as food having general stress prevention activity and antiulcer activity. The research was funded by Russian Scientific Foundation (project #14-50-00034).
bakery products, stress prevention activity and antiulcer, experimental animal testing, Fukolam, Fukolam-E, Diprim, Kalifen, Eklikit
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