ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article reveals the influence of protein type polymer (gelatin) on the degree of anthocyanin pigment isolation from honeysuckle and blackcurrant. The authors show that the intensity of pigment extraction depends on the releasing object significantly. If one adds 0.2% gelatin into the system containing anthocyanin pigment the degree of anthocyanin pigment extraction from honeysuckle decreases. When gelatin content in the system increases from 0.2% to 0.6%, the optical density of the anthocyanin pigment decreases from 1.150 to 0.750. On the contrary, the introduction of 0.2% gelatin into the system increases the optical density of the black currant anthocyanin pigment. An increase in the gelatin content in the system up to 0.6% contributes to the isolation of anthocyanin pigment. The authors assumed that different effect of gelatin on anthocyanin pigment isolation degree is due to such factors as qualitative composition of anthocyanidins and number of OH groups which are present in their molecules, pH of thesystem and the content of such a biologically active substance as ascorbic acid in aqueous solution of anthocyanin pigment. They determined the viscosity of anthocyanin pigment-gelatin system. They show that the system gelatin-anthocyanin pigment of black currant has the highest viscosity value when gelatin content is 0.2%. Viscosity of the system containing 0.2% gelatin and honeysuckle anthocyanin pigment is much lower and equals 10.2 mPa.s. The authors developed the recipes of marshmallow production using aqueous solutions of honeysuckle and black currant anthocyanin pigment. They determined organoleptic and physical and chemical parameters of marshmallow samples. They showed that addition of a 6% solution of honeysuckle and blackcurrant anthocyanin pigment at marshmallow production makes it possible to obtain a product with high organoleptic characteristics. With such a content of anthocyanin pigment, marshmallow acquired an intense pink color and a pleasant bitter-sweet taste of honeysuckle or sweet and sour black currant taste.
Anthocyanin pigment, honeysuckle, black currant, gelatin, anthocyanin pigment-gelatin complex, marshmallow
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