ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

New Yeast Strain in Baking Industry

Yeast strains used in traditional breadmaking are designed to produce the best substrate fermentation and a high-quality product that meets all the requirements. However, the use of brewing yeast strains makes it possible to increase the biological value of the finished product rich in various vitamins and micro- and macroelements. Thus, the research objective was to investigate the effect of a new yeast strain on the physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators of test semi-finished products and wheat bread in order to develop a technology for using yeast strain Y 3194 in baking industry. The control and experimental samples were made with the use of sponge, straight, and quick dough methods, as well as the concentrated milk ferment method. The authors studied the baking properties of the brewery yeasts and selected the dosage with the best physico-chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the finished product. By measuring the intensity of gas-producing and gas-retaining power during the dough fermentation, the fermentation in the control sample was found more intense, but there was a slight difference in the gas-retaining ratio (98.4% for the control sample and 99.4% for the experimental sample). The physicochemical parameters of bread made with the help of the new yeast strain and straight and quick dough methods did not exceed the permissible values: the crumb humidity was ≤ 44%; crumb acidity was ≤ 3%; crumb porosity was ≥ 72%. The research proved that yeast strain Y 3194 can be used in baking.
Breadmaking, brewery yeasts, dough process, bread physicochemical parameters
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