ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Innovative Decisions in the Production Quality Control of Flour Milling

The present research features the Russian flour-milling industry. Flour manufacturers are a key component of the bread- baking complex of Russia, which ensures the food security of the country in the conditions of import substitution. However, large flour mills have recently experienced a decrease in profitability indicators, and production of low-quality flour by illegal producers has increased. Hence, the quality management system of flour milling enterprises requires new methodological approaches to assess the effectiveness of quality control procedures and innovative ways to improve product quality management that would ensure the competitive advantage. Quality management should be based on representative information obtained by using differential or complex methods, with numerical values established by measuring various indicators of product quality, i.e. objective and subjective. The quality assessment system should be used to determine the quality level at each stage of the innovation process, which will allow for effective management decisions. The considered quality assessment methods were adapted to the sectoral specifics of the milling industry, since the efficiency of grain processing largely depends on the stability of regimes at all its stages. The paper introduces an economic and mathematical model that includes the calculation of three groups of assessment indicators: the quality of preparation of raw materials for grinding, the quality of the technological process, and the technical level of production. The performance indicators of their activities proved to be significantly affected by the quality characteristics of the processed raw materials, the efficiency of process control, and the use of the potential of the technical level of production. The analytical studies conducted by the authors revealed trends in the product quality management at sectoral enterprises and proved the need to use system-oriented innovative solutions at all stages of flour production.
Management, quality, innovative solutions, mills, rating, products, market, raw materials, food
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