ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Effect of Supercritical Extracts of Brown Algae on Fish Preserves

Natural preservatives make it possible to maintain the quality and safety of fish products, which makes this matter a relevant and promising research area. This article describes the effect of supercritical extracts of marine brown algae Undaria pinnatifida and Ascophyllum nodosum on the quality and safety of fish preserves from Pacific herring in oil and mayonnaise.
The experimental samples contained 3% of supercritical extracts of brown algae in the fillings. The samples were stored at 0–5℃ for six months. The authors used standard research methods to study the microbiological, sensory, and physicochemical variables. The safety indicators were established by standard methods in the accredited test center of the Far Eastern Federal University. The acid number was determined by neutralizing free fatty acids with an alcohol solution of sodium hydroxide while the peroxide number was determined by the titrimetric method. The sensory profile included appearance, consistency, color, smell, taste, and the general state of the filling, which were assessed on a five-point scale.
The supercritical extracts of brown algae affected the development of microorganisms in both kinds of preserves during storage. The QMAFAnM in the test samples approached that in the control during 6 months of storage, which indicated an opportunity to extend the shelf life of the experimental samples by two months. The experimental samples had lower peroxide and acid numbers, as well as better sensory indicators.
In this research, supercritical extracts of U. pinnatifida and A. nodosum improved the quality and safety status of oil and mayonnaise herring preserves. The extracts reduced the accumulation of QMAFAnM and microscopic fungi while slowing down lipid oxidation and hydrolysis.
Brown algae, Undaria pinnatifida, Ascophyllum nodosum, Pacific herring, supercritical extracts, preserves
The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Agreement No. 23-26-00197).
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How to quote?
Tabakaeva OV, Tabakaev AV, Prikhodko YV, Vladykina TV, Kapusta SV. Effect of Supercritical Extracts of Brown Algae on Fish Preserves. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2024;54(4):731–744. (In Russ.).
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