ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The research was carried out to define the regimes of thermal processing of model milk-vegetable bases derived from dry cow milk and a vegetable component (mung bean) from the Republic of Vietnam. The study is devoted to defining the model system power for fermentation by lactic acid microorganisms. Analytical processing of results when studying organoleptic properties, physico-chemical and microorganic indexes of soured milk-containing products allowed to determine the parameters of pasteurization regimes of the milk-vegetable bases. The results showed that introducing of the flour obtained from mung bean into milk doesn't influence the development of lactic acid bacteria and allows producing sour milk-containing product with normalized quantity of starting culture cells.
Healthy food product, pasteurization, fermentation, milk-containing product, mung bean, lactic acid bacteria
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