ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Basic researches of vegetative resources bean rational use system in a zone of the increased anthropogenous effect

Studying of preferences and propensity, and also, on the contrary, stability of plants to any accumulation toxic substances the anthropogenous origin, based, mainly, on aspects of comparison of in detail comprehensively studied chemical compound of the same vegetative kind, raw materials from which is prepared in ecologically safe territories and in the zones characterised by critical pollution, is especially perspective and significant direction of research activities on selection and revealing of grades of the plants stable against environmental pollutions. Objects for researches had been chose family plants bean which vegetative raw materials have huge food significance and is widely applied in medical practice.
Family plants bean, vegetative raw materials, the Kemerovo region, ecology, pollution by toxic agents, the phytochemical analysis, vegetative hormones, accumulation of chemical elements
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