Volume 14, Issue 3, 2009
The «know-how» toning up light alcohol drinks with use berry fruit syrups, skim milks and wheys is developed. The structure berry морсов on the basis of sea-buckthorn berries, a black currant, a red currant, mountain ashes is resulted. Drinks with the maintenance 1,0; 3,0; 5,0 and 8,0 % of ethyl spirit are investigated. Data on influence of conditions of storage on structure and properties of drinks are cited.
The given activity is dedicated probe of physicochemical parameters and fractional composition of pectic substances of a fruit raw material and the pomace which have stayed after their thorough revision. In a progress of work it is established, that the fruit raw material and pomace are of value as a source of an ascorbic acid, polyphenolic substances, pectic substances which fractional composition is affluent enough and allows to use them at obtaining products of a gelatinous consistence and in the capacity of a treatment-and-prophylactic means. Ground conducted probes the scheme of a complex processing of a fruit raw material is developed.
This work purpose is to research the possibility of growing in Kemerovskaya region cherry and aronia using in fruit wines production with pure cultures of yeast excreted from fruit raw ma-terial.
Quality and technological properties evaluation of cherry and aronia growing in Ke-merovskaya region is fulfilled. The pure cultures of wine yeast are excreted from fruit raw mate-rial micro-organisms. Their cultural and morphological properties are described. Excreted pure cultures are used to fruit wines of corresponded names receiving. The wines technology from these kinds of raw material was chosen, production regimes and parameters were set. Received wines are corresponded on produce demands, had the height quality. This is proof of chosen tech-nology cheerful prospects.
Formation and development of figure in cheeses with low and a heat of the second heating, ripening is investigated at two ways of leaving (traditional and in a polymeric film). The data describing growth of the sizes of eyes at maturing are cited, their distribution on a monolith of cheese, structure of a gas phase of eyes.
The opportunity of use of products of processing of seeds of a peanut is investigated by manufacture of bakery products of the raised food and biological value. Experimental data are presented in the form of tables. Influence of peanut weight (АМ), received of seeds of a peanut by a method cold экструзии on quality of finished goods is established. The technology of preparation of the wheaten test with use АМ is fulfilled, the optimum dosage and an optimum way of its entering are established, and also influence АМ on food value of bread is investigated.
In the article are given the results of investigating swelling cedar flour and solubility of the proteins of cedar flour in the dependence on the technological parameters - temperature, the hydro-modulus, the time of the contact of flour with the water, pH of solution.
Know-how processed cheese products are described «Rada» and «Floris». Requirements are led to products. It is studied aminoacid and fattyacid structure of cheeses.
The article presents information on the application of a random function method for the description of processes of periodical mixing of dispersed materials. The parameters included in the created model have been determined on the bases of experimental investigations. The coefficients of transition probability matrix have been determined by means of variation. The optimum values of transition intensity coefficient have been calculated.
The resulting comparison of the model and experimental data indicates that the model is adequate and the calculation errors are permissible.
In this thesis the basic rheological characteristics of the combined products mixtures based on dry milk are resulted. The shift characteristics, the factors of external and internal friction, the density of the mixture and their changes during storage are researched experimentally.
On the basis of technical, physical and chemical and structural characteristics, processes exchange of heat and weightier considered and structurizations of the crushed vegetative raw materials, their hierarchy on levels depending on structure of macromolecules taking into account their spatial arrangement, their ordered complexes - over the molecular structures and communications between them, and also sets of macromolecules and their complexes is resulted.
The influence of some principal factors on the rate and duration of apple drying has been investigated. The results of apple convection drying conducted in the experimental drying installation with the application of a heat pump and the closed circulation loop of the drying agent have been represented. The loading degree of the drying installation, the shape of apple cutting, temperature mode for the duration of apple drying have been established
The problem of superfluous weight of a body and adiposity, in particular its social and medical aspects is considered. The program of correction of weight of a body is developed, efficiency and which quality are confirmed by clinical tests and certification of production within the limits of requirements of the international standards.
The given article describes catering services for children in 20 schools of the Prokopievsk region. The object of research were 10 calendar days. The data on food value of sсhool breakfasts (power value, the maintenance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) have been received by a settlement method. The obtained data were analyzed and compared to standard documents.
On the basis of the description macro- and microdiagnostic features, realisations of the phytochemical and element analysis established characteristics for raw materials of Urtica dioica L. and Urtica cannabina L., allowing to develop the standard criteria advancing their authenticity and quality.
The characteristic of berries протертых with the sugar produced on developed and authorized specifications is given is determined qualities on different terms of a storage, were based on which it is possible to increase term of a storage of given production.
Influence of breed of cattle widespread in Altay territory (black-motley, red steppe, simmental and airshir) on structure and properties of milk, and also on process of maturing and quality of cheese is studied. Pedigree distinctions in efficiency of cows, and also the maintenance in milk of fat, albuminous fractions, mineral substances are established. Dependence of quality of cheese on breed of cows is shown.
The cases which have been become frequent recently of falsification of vegetative raw materials, and also occurrence of large-scale consignments of bad quality phytoproducts, allocate standardization and quality assurance questions as the most actual and requiring the immediate decision. Sensitivity, reliability, an optimality under the availability and time factor, are requests of modern scientifically well-founded techniques of the analysis, allowing to survey vegetative raw materials in integral, crushed a kind.
The kolloidno-chemical processes proceeding on border of molecules of substances in connection with possibility their use in technology of dairy drinks are studied. The laws occurring at гелеобразовании of dairy whey are investigated, scientific and practical interest is caused by the principles defining features of phase transitions. Properties of components of dairy whey are studied. Influence of an agar on concentration change сывороточных fibers in gels is investigated. Influence of sucrose on limiting pressure of shift in dairy whey with a various mass fraction of an agar.
Studying of structure and properties of a dairy-albuminous concentrate (DAC) in connection with possibility their use in technology of food capsules. Qualitative characteristics of dairy fibers are investigated, physical and chemical indicators DAC are presented, qualitative and quantitative fractional structure DAC is presented. The way of processing of a DAC in connection with its use in technology of food capsules is chosen.
The contain of complicated esters of Sea Buckthorn wort by capillary chromatography before and after fermentation studied. The relation between amount and the contents of Sea Buckthorn flavor of wine materials is determined.
It is studied influences of pectin on laws of hydrolysis of lactose in connection with proiz-vodstvom drinks. The basic properties of pectinaceous substances are investigated. Change reac-tionary ability pectin groups is in detail shined at gel formation dairy whey. Influence active and titr is shown acidity on limiting pressure of shift in dairy whey with a various mass fraction of pectin. Influence of ions of calcium on limiting pressure of shift in dairy whey with a various mass fraction of pectin is defined.
In article features Juices market in modern conditions of the Russian Federation are described: his volume, price levels, participants and tendencies of development both in scale of the Russian Federation, and in SFO
In article actual problems of winemaking to Russia, the reasons leading to branch crisis, and to risk of loss of national independence of this branch segment of the domestic consumer market are discussed, ways of the permission of discussed problems on the basis of modern systems of a quality management and tracing of chains of deliveries of raw materials, half-finished products and ready wine are offered.
Methods of calculation of processes membrane fractional hydrolyzed dairy fibers are studied. Necessary degree concentration which would allow receiving a product of demanded structure, normalization of initial raw materials by the account of the subsequent losses for the necessary degree found earlier settlement way concentration is investigated. Settlement formulas by definition membrane fractional peptides preparations through seminontight membranes for reception of preparations with high degree of clearing of high-molecular connections are offered.