Volume 17, Issue 2, 2010
The article presents the results of studying the composition and technological characteristics of the food additive «Lavitol (arabinogalaktan)», as well as the investigation of its ability to be applied as dietary fibers in the technology of fermented milk. The results of the research show that the fermented milk studied entirely meet the requirements of functional foods taking into account its physico-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic indices.
The article presents the results of investigations on technology improvement and quality estimation of marmalade enriched with succinic acid. Succinic acid is not only a food additive (E363), regulating the food system acidity, but a biologically active substance, a parapharmaceutic affecting many vital functions. The optimal additive composition dose (1g/kg of the finished products) has been determined. The concentration of succinic acid in the finished marmalade has been determined by the method of gas chromatography. A high rate of preservation of succinic acid in marmalade during the declared period of suitability has been discovered. Marmalade enriched with succinic acid is a functional food product, and can be recommended especially for adaptation and prevention of stresses, for nutrition of elderly people, sportsmen and hard manual workers.
The production of aromatized coffee is based on extracting of almonds with liquid nitrogen, miscella separation, coffee roasting, its saturation with separated miscella under high pressure, pressure loss, reaching atmospheric pressure with coffee freezing and cryopounding in nitrogen environment.
Testing of physico-mechanical crumb properties of bun dough pieces baked at different temperatures has been carried out. The temperature in the centre of the dough pieces being baked has been controlled. Temperature change graphs of baking at different temperatures of a baking chamber have been designed. The organoleptic estimation results of physico-mechanical properties of the crumb heated during baking under different temperatures have been compared with the ones registered by the device called «Structurometer 1». From the results the possibility of using this device for testing physico-mechanical properties of the crumb formed has been concluded. The device can also be applied for defining the crumb baking final phase. Stabilization of the elastic and plastic deformation relationship value has been shown as the factor of the crumb formation final phase.
Technology of functionally intended meat specialties for prevention of selen defficiency has been developed. Application of biologically active substance «Selenpropionics» (concentrated biomass of propionic bacteria containing organic selen) permits to reduce a process cycle and produce high quality smoked-and-cooked meat items with functional properties. Technological process specifications have been chosen and substantiated. The experimental industrial test of the designed technology has shown that the experimental data obtained in laboratory conditions are steadily reproduced in industry.
The possibility of using millet flakes for baking bread from multicomponent mixes has been studied. The review of scientific and technical literature has shown the urgency of the given direction of researches and the expediency of including raw materials enriched with nutrients into bakery product formula. The objects and basic stages of researches are considered in the article. Technological properties of millet flakes have been analyzed. Their comparison with other kinds of flakes has been done. The results of taste estimation of bread baked from multicomponent mixes with addition of millet flakes are given.
The influence of the rennet amount and starter culture doses on the process of acid-rennet milk coagulation at different temperatures has been considered. The duration of the process, active acidity of curds and syneresis intensity has been determined.
To produce reconstituted scented tea by using the black elder leaves a consecutive extraction with unpolar liquid gas and potable water resulting in obtaining appropriate extract is done. Tea processing waste is blended with liquid CO2, extracted and pounded. Miscella and tea meal are separated; tea meal is suspended in water solution of citric acid. CaCO3 and liquid extract of black elder leaves are introduced into suspension. The blend obtained is formed, dried up to a humidity level of 13-15 %, cut, saturated with the extract of black elder leaves and separated miscella.
The effect of the protein stabilizer based on pork skin on the meat farce quality and canned foods produced from it with the use of horse-flesh and pork subjected to low voltage electrostimulation are considered in the article. It has been found that complex use of electrostimulation of meat raw materials and the protein stabilizer considerably improves the functional-technological properties of meat farce, and also improves organoleptic characteristics of finished product.
Technology of minced convenience foods from meat of Mongolian ecotype sheep using a protein-fat emulsion composed of high-molecular protein of animal origin «Tipro-601», mutton raw-fat, vegetable oil, food phosphate «Biophos-90» and water for protein hydration, has been developed.
Relationship of functional and technological properties of cutlet minced meat and quality indices of chopped convenience foods with a dose of the protein-fat emulsion introduced has been established. It has been found that minced meat systems, containing 25 % compound emulsion, have high indices of moisture-biding and water-holding capacities, and are stable and resistant upon heat treatment. It has been revealed that application of a multi-component protein-fat emulsion in the production of minced convenience foods from mutton ensures the manufacture of the product with high consumer properties.
Milch-cow productivity at different stages of lactation in (AC) pedigree reproduction farm «Leninskiy Put'» located in the Kemerovo region has been investigated. The possibility as well as the necessity to continue the works in the field of cattle selection has been shown.
The analysis of plant tissue structure on cellular level and its morphological characteristics is presented. The nature of plant tissue strength revealing itself in surface interactions, adhesion and cohesion, has been highlighted. Classification of plant raw material according to the character of surface interactions between structures has been carried out. General ways of adhesion strength reduction for intensification and improving selective disintegration quality have been developed.
Models of plant tissue selective disintegration objects have been analyzed. Formulae for detection of surface interaction adhesive strength in two-component models have been obtained. The energy of adhesive interaction in biological structures has been analytically determined.
The hypothesis of granulation process of instantized polydispersed products in plate granulators with an activator, reflecting the stochastic nature of the process has been offered. According to it the mathematical model has been developed. It includes two systems of linear differential equations of Kolmogorov and a set of equations connecting the intensity of material transformation with the granulator parametres and material properties. Taking into account the model features and the results of the experimental research the procedure of parametrical identification of the model has been developed.
The way of blueberry food powder processing in vibratory vacuum dryer-mill by joining the process of vacuum drying and vibratory pulverizing has been offered. The experimental studies of the blueberry drying kinetics have been done. The blueberry powder testing on the presence of anthocyanins has been carried out.
The fatty acid composition and physico-chemical characteristics of oil extracted from desiccated coconut have been investigated. The emulsifying and swelling abilities of coconut paste proteins have been studied. It has been established that introduction of the coconut paste into milk- fat product formula will increase their nutritional and biological value and will give a pleasant coconut aroma.
Commodity-technological properties of different kinds of gooseberries grown in the Kemerovo region have been investigated. Food value of berries on a complex of indices has been investigated. Quality dynamics in the course of storage under various conditions has been studied.
Sociological researches on revealing the consumers' preferences concerning products of fruit and berry raw material processing among the inhabitants of Kemerovo city for the purpose of choosing a product for giving sorbent properties to it have been carried out. The results of the researches have allowed defining a product for giving functional sorbent properties to it. In our opinion, it is expedient to introduce enterosorbent into jams made from various kinds of fruits and berries. It is one of the most popular products of fruit and berry raw material processing among consumers. It also possesses a corresponding consistency and is technologically suitable for introduction of enterosorbent into its structure.
The article deals with the results of experimental researches on sorbtion abilities of vegetable cultures. It has been established that cadmium and plumbum content in milk can be decreased after mixing dairy raw materials with products of vegetable processing during twenty minutes at temperature not higher that 18-20 ºС with the further filtration of a milk-vegetable mix through a double layer of gauze.
The present work is devoted to studying the water activity index in dry dairy products. The concept of water activity is described. The peculiarities and techniques of water activity determination in foodstuffs have been considered. The lay out of experimental plant is presented. The results of researches on water activity in dry cheeses and cottage cheese are given.
The kinetics of adsorption of transition metals on collodion films from aqueous solutions has been investigated. The adsorption equilibrium constants have been determined. The effect of covalent characteristics of the central atom on the limiting adsorption has been considered. The probable mechanism for binding of metal ions with collodion films due to complexation with the hydroxyl and nitrate groups has been proposed.
Some aspects of the rating marks problem at risks analysis of investment activity are presented as an example in Kemerovo region. Components of investment risk in the region are considered.
This paper illustrates the application of methods for the analysis of mixture-producing processes in time-frequency space. It also presents a detailed description, apart from traditional methods of frequency analyses using an analyzing window (ordinary and short-time Fourier transforms), of the continuous wavelet transform and especially so-called wavelet matching pursuit (also known as the adaptive wavelet approximation). Adapted for the specific purpose of reconstructing the flow signal of a material component from a dozer or the resulting signal of a multi-component dozing block, the matching pursuit technique has a number of specific peculiarities such as the presence necessity of redundant time-frequency dictionaries that contain wavelet functions; the adaptability of such an approximation both over a lapsed time and a primary signal structure, and the iterative procedure of selecting certain atoms from a dictionary. The practical manner in which these specific features are implemented and the mathematical techniques used for signal analysis should prove applicable to a wide variety of mixture-producing problems.
Volumetric discrete-type dozers have a wide application in the food and other branches of industry to feed fluid and dry dispersed materials. As a rule, their output flow signal is depicted as a trapezoid type waveform. In order to operate with the models of periodical flow signals for seeking a range of associated regimes of dosing and mixing equipment performance, the models parameters are presented in the form of functions by means of Fourier decomposition.