a East Siberian State Technological University
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Technology of minced convenience foods from meat of Mongolian ecotype sheep using a protein-fat emulsion composed of high-molecular protein of animal origin «Tipro-601», mutton raw-fat, vegetable oil, food phosphate «Biophos-90» and water for protein hydration, has been developed.
Relationship of functional and technological properties of cutlet minced meat and quality indices of chopped convenience foods with a dose of the protein-fat emulsion introduced has been established. It has been found that minced meat systems, containing 25 % compound emulsion, have high indices of moisture-biding and water-holding capacities, and are stable and resistant upon heat treatment. It has been revealed that application of a multi-component protein-fat emulsion in the production of minced convenience foods from mutton ensures the manufacture of the product with high consumer properties.
minced convenience foods,
protein-fat emulsion,
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