ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010

The data on the content of phenolic compounds in raw fish (salmon, cod, pike perch), in minced fish and smoke flavoring agent have been obtained. Antioxidant effect of smoke flavoring agent in semis from commercially produced minced salmon has been established. The improvement in organoleptic quality of fish semi-finished products containing up to 1 % of smoke flavoring agent (in comparison with the control ones) stored up to 48 hours has been shown.
Разработана рецептура и технология новой формы БАД в виде геля, обеспечивающая максимальную сохранность биологически активных веществ, рецептурных компонентов и эффективность их направленного действия на коррекцию метаболических процессов при нарушениях опорно-двигательной системы.
Formula and technology of semi-finished biscuit production with added low-fat soya flour have been developed. Comparative data of some essential nutritional ingredients content in soya and wheat flour are given. Effect of added low-fat soya flour on foaming capacity of egg-sugar mixture and structural-mechanical properties of biscuit dough has been analyzed.
The results of the influence of various technological methods promoting the increase of bakery goods shelf-life on microstructure of yeastless aerated semi-finished products are presented. It has been established that the change of dough temperature and addition of extra recipe components influence essentially its microstructure and the quality of a finished product. The use of chosen methods allows to reduce bread staling in the course of storage and to prolong its shelf-life up to 5-7 days.
Two new schemes of sequence of microorganism growth phases have been investigated. The existence of the linear growth phase after the exponential growth phase has been proved. The reality and diversity of types of new schemes have been experimentally substantiated. It has been shown that only the complex of the three mentioned schemes reflect the diversity of microorganism growth conditions.
The technology of a cooked and smoked product from mutton using syringe brine has been developed. Syringe brine includes lactic protein «Anisomin», carraginan «Bengel MBF-270», food phosphate «Biophos-90», ferment «Tripsin» and salting ingredients. The influence of the type of syringe brine on the change of technological indices of salted convenience foods and quality characteristics of the finished product has been studied. It has been revealed that a successive mechanical treatment of a starting raw material by the tenderization and rubbing method contributes to the forming of a single massive structure after heat treatment.
The problems of determining the factors for obtaining stable dispersions with different gelling agents have been considered. The influence of the charge value on the gels mechanical properties as well as gelling agent swelling rate (mass changes) at different temperatures has been studied.
The article deals with the peculiarities of the development and realization of innovative projects and programs on the basis of conceptual designing for food sphere. The example of the project of functional foods and the programs of school food are considered. Seven rules for innovative activity are offered. They give a chance to design a project (program) within the limits of innovative development laws and to reach the desired result, namely the promotion of the project (program) to the market.
The results of investigations to determine the nutritional quality of combined minced meat products with «Flax flour» are presented. A comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative content of basic nutrients of minced meat products prepared according to traditional recipes and with the addition of «Flax flour» has been done. It is shown that the combination of minced meat products with «Flax flour» improves the protein quality, fatty acid composition, increases the content of dietary fibers and polyphenol compounds. The «Cook & Chill» technology for centralized production of combined minced meat products with «Flax flour» has been proved.
The microstructure of cheeses with a blue mold has been investigated. The dynamics of blue mold development in the process of cheese ripening is presented. The structure of cheese in the process of its ripening cleaned off from blue mold is presented.
The possibility of using of linseed flour in the production of while bread has been investigated. The optimal dosages of linseed flour that increase the dietary fiber content in bread to the status of a functional ingredient has been established.
Technological parameter of creamy vegetable spreads manufacture such as: temperature and the method of dispersion, the rate of processing in the course of cooling and crystallization have been proved.
The possibility of using emulgators such as distilled monoglycerides E 471, as well as the composition of Е 471 with lecithin and phospholipids for manufacture of cream and vegetable spread, butter, and vegetable cream has been theoretically proved and experimentally confirmed. The effect of different emulgators on crystallization of compositions made of milk fat and rape oil taken in various ratios has been investigated. The data on temperature and time of fat systems crystallization are given.
Preparation of grain is important in grain bread production. One of its stages is grain steeping. The period of grain wetting ranges from 18 to 48 hours. However, this bread has specific organoleptic properties, adversely affecting the level of its consumption. To intensify the grain wetting process and to improve the consumer properties of grain it is offered to use whey for the grain wetting before dispersion.
The given work is devoted to the investigation of technological parameters for vacuum concentration of liquid dairy products. It is noticed that concentration is a perspective way of foodstuff preservation at long-time storage. The effect of relative evaporation surface on organoleptic, physical and chemical characteristics, density and viscosity of products being concentrated, the rate of concentration, specific heat expenses, change of temperature and relative weight of concentrated liquid dairy products has been investigated.
The influence of technological parameters on mixing of flour composite mixes by the example of half-finished product for manufacture of sugar cookies has been investigated. The dependence of a mix factor heterogeneity on the process parameters has been obtained by the methods of the regress analysis. Rational values of technological parameters of the centrifugal mixer operation have been revealed.
Taking into account the urgency of the problem of supplying the Russian food market with high quality foodstuffs, a comparative analysis of genomes of plants and microorganisms used in food additives production and the DNA target selection that will help to develop a methodology for the identification of stabilizing additives of plant and animal origin has been done.
The article is devoted to the problem of changing the consumers' taste-aroma predilections observed for the last two decades. The hypothesis on prior influence of structural-mechanical characteristics of butter over olfaktory-taste ones while buying a product is given. The results of expert and consumer degustation of butter and spreads presented at the market of Ekaterinburg have been considered. The panel of descriptors and flavoring characteristics of investigated samples have been formed.
The ways of potato packing into the modified gas environment and vacuum both with and without a residual moisture on the potato surface have been considered. The influence of packing ways on potato water activity in the course of storage has been investigated. Storage time of vacuum packed potato free from residual moisture and that of potato packed into modified gas environment have been established.
The researches on defining the survival rate threshold of concerning acetic acid has been carried out. The negative influence of its even small doses on infusoria survival has been experimentally shown. The results of researches of a survival rate threshold in relation to table salt and acetone have proved that this indicator decreases at the concentration of 4 % and more than 3,3 % accordingly. The results of researches on survival rate depending on the content of benz(a)pyren in sterilized canned fish, that have been obtained by the method of daily biotesting, testify that the change of the procedure of getting a more concentrated solution of acetone extract of benz(a)pyren and its subsequent least dilution does not influence the regularities in infusoria survival rate reaction. It allows to ascertain irrationality of infusoria application for biotesting of the benz(a)pyren content in the sterilized canned fish.
The basic consumer property factors of products of processing of fruits, berries and vegetable raw materials, minerals as well as milk containing products based on milk, cottage cheese and vegetable and berry pastes have been established. The effect of the ratio of paste to soft dietary cottage cheese, the dose of natural zeolite addition on the organoleptic characteristics, chemical composition of products, their physical and chemical characteristics, microbiological safety has been studied. The estimation of dietary desserts, elderly people food with added berries, fruits, berry pastes, natural zeolites, stevioside on organoleptic, structural and mechanical characteristics, nutritional quality and biological value has been carried out. The technology of cheese products containing zosterol, black-currant and sea buckthorn juices has been developed. The influence of the amount of input components on product whipability and foam stability has been investigated. Biomedical researches have proved that the developed milk containing products have preventive properties.
The possibility of hard fat replacement in spice cake formulas by liquid vegetable oils with addition of mixtures of food additives having stabilizing action has been investigated. It has been established that the simultaneous application of liquid vegetable oils with stabilizers allows to obtain high quality spice cakes, to improve their nutritional quality and to keep consumer properties in the course of storage for a longer time.