ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Development and Realization of Innovative Projects and Programs in the Sphere of Healthy Food on the Basis of Conceptual Designing

The article deals with the peculiarities of the development and realization of innovative projects and programs on the basis of conceptual designing for food sphere. The example of the project of functional foods and the programs of school food are considered. Seven rules for innovative activity are offered. They give a chance to design a project (program) within the limits of innovative development laws and to reach the desired result, namely the promotion of the project (program) to the market.
Novation, innovation, innovative project and program, innovative potential, food sphere
  1. Новоселов, С.В. Теоретические основы формирования аналитической системы управления инновационным развитием в региональных условиях // Ползуновский вестник. - 2009. - № 4. - С. 4-14.
  2. Новоселов, С.В. Формирование системы управления инновационным развитием предприятий и организаций в условиях региона на основе когнитивного подхода / С.В. Новоселов, Л.А. Козлов // Ползуновский вестник. - 2009. - № 4. - С. 15-20.
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