In modern market conditions a stable and successful activity of any enterprise depends on several factors and the main one is the ability to meet the customers' needs in safe, high quality products. The most acceptable form of quality management and food safety assurance system especially in the field of milk processing is a system based on HACCP principles as it involves product quality and safety control directly during the production process. Consequently the use of HACCP principles in the design and production of new products is very important. The article presents results of researches on the analysis of dangerous factors and critical control points when developing the technology of the fermented cream bioproof-reader (FSBK). As a result of scientific researches the principles of the HACCP system have been implemented, biological and chemical potential hazards have been listed, critical control points in the FSBK technology that control the quality and safety at all stages of production have been identified.Keywords
HACCP System, dangerous factor, critical control point, fermented creamy bioproof-readerREFERENCES
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