Volume 24, Issue 1, 2012
For the purpose of working out of well-founded prospects of innovative development of the organizations and the food-processing industry enterprises in regional conditions of the Siberian Federal district, the basic results of the corresponding analysis across Altay territory, the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions are presented. The revealed ad-vantages in regions define possibilities of inter-regional integrations taking into account formation of interuniversity in-novative activity. For its introduction features of interuniversity integration, and also an estimation and the account of intellectual property to economic circulation at activization of innovative activity are presented.
The technology of production of hydro-alcoholic extracts from the needles of Scots pine has been developed. The method of extraction of plant material has been developed and justified. The comparative charac-teristics of the content of extractives in the extracts obtained by different methods are presented. The dependence of the mass fraction of extractives from the time of extraction and concentration of ethanol has been studied. The organolep-tic and physico-chemical quality indices of the functional beverage on the basis of kvass have been examined.
The production of small piece bakery goods based on partially baked semi-finished products not subjected to freezing has been examined. Established was the partial baking minimum length limit providing semi-finished products 6
with optimal processing properties. The possibility of storing partially baked semi-finished products at (5±2) °C for twelve hours and at (20±2) °C for six days without reducing their quality including microbiological purity was revealed.
The results of studies of cheeses produced from milk obtained from cows of different breeds (Yaroslavskaya, Holsteinskaya, Cherno-perstraya, and Simmentalskaya) are given. The development of lactic acid microflora, accumulation of nitrogen fractions, free amino acids and organoleptic properties in the cheeses have been studied. It has been established that the most suitable milk for the production of cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating is that obtained from Yaroslaskayal and Cherno-perstraya breeds of cows.
Considered are the basic patterns and rational modes of dairy products frozing with combined method for the purpose of their preservation and obtaining a product with a long shelf life. Application of fast freezing based on cryogenic refrigerating techniques and airprocessing in a multipoint quick-freezing device promotes loss reduction from desiccation, increases the speed of the process using enviromentally safe refrigerant (nitrogen) and sound technological modes.
The process of extraction of biologically active substances from pharmaceutical plant raw material has been studied. The pharmaceutical plants for extract preparations have been selected and some compositions have been developed on the basis of organoleptic tests. The analysis of technological factors influencing the extraction of vitamin C and flavonoids from plant raw material has been carried out. Joint application of lactic acid microflora and biologically active substances extracted from pharmaceutical plants has been grounded. The effect of pharmaceutical plant extracts on the propagation of lactic acid microorganisms has been studied. Starter cultures for manufacturing new functional fermented milk beverages have been defined.
The article presents the results of the investigation on the antioxidative activity of dihydroquercetin dependening on the concentration and combination of prooxidants, such as iron in heme and non-heme forms. The effective concentration of dihydroquercetin which inhibits the oxidation process in fat is experimentally defined. The significant catalytic activity of non-heme iron influencing the oxidation process in fat is established. The data on effectiveness of inhibiting the oxidative process in simultaneous presence of dihydroquercetin, heme proteins, and non-heme iron are presented.
The quality and safety indices of frozen laemonema of autum and spring catches in the dynamics of storing at the temperature of -18°С and -30°С have been studied. It has been established that laemonema is characterized with high indices of biological value (87,9-90,3 %). The frozen laemonema shelf life of 8 months at -18°С and 12 months at -30°С has been proved.
the article is devoted to the problem of quality maintenance for dried high-fat canned milk of special purpose stabilized with antioxidants and kept in small packages. The data on the changes in food value and product quality in the process of prolonged storage are presented. The antioxidant effects of the additive used are calculated. On the basis of the results obtained the shelf life for dried canned milk under different temperature conditions is determined.
The technology of sour milk bioproducts enriched with «lactoglobulin» and lactulouse syrup used for disbacteriosis prevention has been developed. Organoleptic, physical-chemical and microbiological characteristics of enriched milk bioproducts as well as their effect on the qualitative-quantitative composition of mice intestine microflora have been studied.
The article presents the results of researches on the development and implementation of the production technology of emulsion-based products based on caviar raw materials for effective use of caviar to produce functional foods fortified with selenium and iodine.
The micro-organisms of marine raw materials are studied. The quantitative evaluation of their proteolytic activity is established. The bacteria of the Pseudomonas genus are characterized by the highest proteolytic activity and growth rate, and cause hydrolytic changes in raw fish and invertebrates and lower their quality at low temperature of storage.
The results of market surveys of bakery product manufacturers selling their products in Chelyabinsk are given. It was established that the functional bakery goods are represented by local bakery plants. The basis of «Health» group are kinds of bread that contain, as a rule, the complex of functional ingredients consisting of such micronutrients as calcium, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, as well as cereal mixes and bran. Supplying the diet of Chelyabinsk inhabitants with minor components such as selenium, zinc, manganese, vitamins A, D, E, and others through the use of enriched bakery products does not occur. The obtained via monitoring data can serve as a fundamental component for the development of the medium- to long regional policy of manufacturing functional bakery products, in particular, fancy bread enriched with essential micronutrients.
The results of studying the safety indices of minced meats with added flax meal are given. It is shown that the addition of 2,2 % of nonhydrated flax meal (15 % hydrated flax meal 1:6) to the meat mass did not reduce the sanitary and hygienic quality of the products. The amount of hydrocyanic acid is reduced by 27 % as a result of heat treatment.
The technology and the formula of rich yeast leaven dough with pumpkin puree and artichoke paste have been developed. It has been established that the optimal adding is 20 % of puree with simultaneous 30 % reduction of yeast. The quality indices of new kinds of bun goods, their food value, shelf life and economic efficiency resulting from introduction of this technology have been determined.
The technology of obtaining a protein-lycopin product for using it in the meat-and-vegetable compositions and in the receipts of food concentrates for dinner dishes has been developed. The parameters of the technological process have been experimentally substantiated with the help of mathematic modeling. Using tomato and milk products for thermo-acid coagulation of albumens in soybean base has allowed obtaining a high quality naturally coloured product.
The article presents the results of defining the rational modes of milk-plant mix coagulation with cedar oil cake and cedar fat-extracted flour. We investigated the influence of the temperature of pasteurization, the dose of bacterial ferment, the temperature of coagulation on the processes of whey separation from the curd and the transition of solids into the whey during coagulation. The equations of regression reflecting the dependence of these processes on the studied factors have been obtained. Estimated were the main parameters of the technological regimes when the maximum whey separation from the curd and the maximum transition of solids into the whey during coagulation take place.
In the course of № 2 pearl barley grits processing in the apparatus of the «Pushka» type profound structural and chemical changes take place. With momentary drop of external pressure the moisture in the grits immediately vaporizes tearing the cells from the inside. In this case the volume mass considerably decreases. № 2 pearl barley grits become fragile, tender and easily digestible. Significant changes in technological properties playing an important role in case of using № 2 pearl barley grits in confectionery technology take place. The main technological properties of № 2 puffed pearl barley grits are water and fat binding capacity, bulk density, solubility in different pH solutions.
The article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of poultry skin of industrial and domestic origin. The studies of chemical and elemental compositions have been done in order to optimize the choice of skin for using it as a protein component in the production of new meat products.
The work is devoted to the research of domesticated reindeer meat byproducts yield, amino acid composition of domesticated reindeer liver and heart, their food value. The comparative estimation of food value and amino acid composition of the latter and those of cattle and pigs is given. The comparison of amino acid composition of liver and heart proteins of the domesticated reindeer with the ideal protein is drawn. The possibility of using the liver and heart of the domesticated reindeer in the manufacture of foods is shown.
The article presents the results of three-factor experiment on the study of the combined effect of the protein and calcium mass fraction in milk and coagulation temperature on the duration of coagulation, the protein content in the whey and the efficiency of using protein by the milk clot.
The basic regularities of whey permeate motion through a semipenetrable ultrafiltration membrane have been considered. Using a conventional approach the task to formalize the description of the process of baromembrane separation of highly-molecular liquid poly-disperse systems can be successfully solved only in particular cases. To find common solutions of similar problems another methodological approach based on the applications of advanced achievements of computer modeling and the possibility to describe a technological process is needed.
The purpose of given article is working out of a new construction of the centrifugal mixer possessing an controlled lag to obtain dry multicomponent compositions with a ratio of mixed components from 1:75 to 1:125. The two constructs of the centrifugal mixers of continuous action having one coneto obtain drydispersed materialsare investigated. Rational values of some technological and design parameters that influence the quality of the mixtures in a modernized apparatus are determined on the basis of multiple regression analysis, in comparison to the base construction.
The choice of ratio of liquid and solid phases and the process temperature has been experimentally conducted while cleaning flax seeds from slime in the apparatus with a vibratory plate. The influence of the cleaning process temperature on quality and quantity of finished products has also been investigated. The technological scheme of complex processing of flax seeds using vibratory extractor of periodic operation which allows to process flax seeds by more than 80 % has been developed.
Researches are directed on the development of the quality estimation technique for a disperse medium of complex composition using an analysis of variance and various cumulative distribution functions. Differential and integral criteria of correspondence and the criterion of selectivity of decomposition are offered. The offered criteria will help not only to estimate the quality but also at a known kinetics of their modification to predict the possible quality at certain operated parameters of this or that technological process of obtaining a disperse medium with the set properties.
The results of the three main stages of ethanol production are presented: water-and-heat treatment, hydrolysis with enzymes and fermentation of high concentrated wort in shell-and-tube jet-injection fermenter using low-temperature cooking of starch-containing raw material. The rheological properties of water-grain suspensions and the influence of enzymes on the viscosity reduction are studied.
For the first time a comprehensive hygienic assessment of public health safety for the basic foods produced in the Krasnoyarsk territory has been carried out. The main types of foods produced in the Krasnoyarsk territory meet the standards on the content of heavy metals, carcinogens, organochlorine pesticides, aflatoxins and antibiotics, man-made radionuclides specific activity. At the same time microbiological characteristics of milk, meat, fish and confectionery products in a significant proportion did not meet safety standards causing a risk of infectious diseases which is determined with wide spread violations of the sanitary-epidemiological profile at the food producing enterprises.
The technology of making pastes on the basis of horse-flesh has been developed, the percentage parity of the forcemeat and vegetative component has been selected, the β-carotene content has been defined, and the analysis of fatty acid and amino acid composition has been carried out.
A new kind of specialized product as a dietary supplement «Sorbiogel» has been developed. Regulated quality indices based on organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological studies have been defined. Characteristics of the active principles of the prescribed components and the results of clinical trials have allowed to determine the functional orientation of the supplement that is associated with the rapid binding, neutralization and elimination of toxins from various sources.
The article presents the results of the development of biologically active additive for the improvement of skin. Regulated organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological quality and safety indices of the developed biologically active additive are defined. The period and conditions of storage and recommendations for the use are established. Characteristics of the components that determine the functional orientation of the developed product are given.
In modern market conditions a stable and successful activity of any enterprise depends on several factors and the main one is the ability to meet the customers' needs in safe, high quality products. The most acceptable form of quality management and food safety assurance system especially in the field of milk processing is a system based on HACCP principles as it involves product quality and safety control directly during the production process. Consequently the use of HACCP principles in the design and production of new products is very important.
The article presents results of researches on the analysis of dangerous factors and critical control points when developing the technology of the fermented cream bioproof-reader (FSBK). As a result of scientific researches the principles of the HACCP system have been implemented, biological and chemical potential hazards have been listed, critical control points in the FSBK technology that control the quality and safety at all stages of production have been identified.
The scheme of quality formation of new mayonnaise products on the basis of the system approach is suggested. The analysis of existing standard base for mayonnaise products for the purpose of estimating quality requirements has been carried out. Consumers' requirements to mayonnaise products and the estimation of their satisfaction using the method of quality function structurization and the methods of statistical quality management have been revealed. The summary table of indices for consumer requirements to mayonnaise products has been made on the basis of the systematized information on consumers' requirements taking into account preferences and classification.
The possibility to use new low cost carbon adsorbents for cleaning of water containing a low concentration of phenol has been investigated. It is determined that adsorption capacity of investigated adsorbents is much lower in comparison with traditionally used activated carbons. It is shown that taking into account the sorbent consumption for cleaning of solutions with low concentration and their cost the use of new carbons is economically expedient.
The paper deals with the research regulation method. The method of research labour-consuming character justification based on standard schedules is proposed. The algorithm of determining the research labour-consuming character and duration has been proposed.
The essential lines of state support are shown. Given analysis of agrarian commodity producers structure in the Republic of Buryatia. The effect of state support on efficiency of agrarian production is shown.