ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)
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Search results: 12 articles
Search string: hydrogen peroxide
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Gruznov Dmitry, Gruznova Olga, Sokhlikov Alexey, Lobanov Anton Effect of Low-Temperature Storage on Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Honey 54 2 2024
2 Данилов М. Б., Лескова С. Ю., Пурбуев А. В., Павлова С. Н. , Забалуева Ю. Ю. Effect of Antibacterial Brine on Quality and Microbiological Safety of Meat Products 54 1 2024
3 Оганесянц Л. А., Панасюк А. Л., Кузьмина Е. И., Свиридов Д. А., Ганин М. Ю., Шилкин А. А. Isotope Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Identifying Organic Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 53 3 2023
4 Хасанов Ж. Х., Мирзахмедов Ш. Д., Султонова Э. М., Салихов Ш. И. Effect of Moisture Content on the Quality and Quantity of Screw-Pressed Flax Seed Oil 53 2 2023
5 Сериков М. С., Нургалиева М. Т. , Мырзабек К. А., Тойшиманов М. Р., Бактыбаева Ф. К. Defining the Composition of Fat Phase in Foods 52 4 2022
6 Аверьянова Е. В., Школьникова М. Н., Школьникова М. Н., Чугунова О. В. Antioxidant Properties of Triterpenoids in Fat-Containing Products 52 2 2022
7 Оганесянц Л. А., Панасюк А. Л., Кузьмина Е. И., Ганин М. Ю. Isotopes of Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen Ethanol in Fruit Wines 50 4 2020
8 Гуринович Г. В., Патракова И. С., Кудряшов Л. С. Study of the effect of curing mixture compositions on oxidation of lipids in meat systems 48 1 2018
9 Якунин А. В., Синявский Ю. А., Торгаутов А. С., Выскубова В. Г., Ибраимов Ы. С. ASSESSMENT OF OXIDATION FACTORS FOR DRY MARE MILK DURING STORAGE 43 4 2016
11 Тыщенко Е. А., Терещук Л. В., Павельева Е. Г. Research of structure and properties of the red palm oil used as a functional component emulsionnyh of creams 16 1 2010
12 Тыщенко Е. А., Терещук Л. В., Павельева Е. Г. Studying of change of indicators of quality of red palm-oil in the course of storage 13 2 2009