ISSN 2074-9414 (Печать),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Онлайн)


The usefulness of sesame as a plant ingredient in cottage cheese for osteoporosis prevention has been theoretically and experimentally proved. The estimation of consumer sesame’s properties is also given. Compositions and technologies of new gerodietary cottage cheese products with sesame: enriched cottage cheese «Kunzhutnaja», dumplings with cottage cheese and sesame «Sezam» have been developed. The substantiation of experimental data on components’ correlation in the composition of new gerodietary cottage cheese products with sesame has been carried out with the method of three-factor regression analysis by means of designing the mathematical model of organoleptic indices of product quality. Calcium content dynamics in the enriched cottage cheese «Kunzhutnaja» during its storage has been analyzed. Calcium preservation in dumplings with cottage cheese and sesame «Sezam» at different technological stages has been tested
Ключевые слова
Кунжут, творог, творожные изделия, кальций, остеопороз, Sesame, cottage cheese, cottage cheese products, calcium, osteoporosis
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