ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Fluorescence Method in Measuring the Degree of Brine Penetration into Boneless Whole-Muscle Turkey Meat

Introduction. Fluorescence is one of the most promising methods of food quality tests. Fluorescein disodium salt is used as a means of diagnostics in medicine and food production. In particular, fluorophore can determine the ripening stage of boneless turkey meat during brining by defining the penetration depth of the brine. Study objects and methods. The present research featured samples of brined turkey breast and thigh meat. The experiment was based on standard research methods, e.g. macro- and microscopy, statistical method, etc. It also included an original fluorescence method for determining the penetration depth of sodium chloride brine into turkey muscles. Results and discussion. The experimental brine consisted of food salt, white sugar, water, and fluorescein disodium salt, while brine without fluorophore served as control. Regardless of sodium chloride concentration, the changes in the ripening depth of the turkey breast samples were 8 times lower after 5 min, 3 times – after 12 h, and 4 times after 24 h. Complete ripening occurred after 36 h, which was confirmed by visual and fluorophore measurements. The thigh meat samples showed a smaller area of sodium chloride penetration: 8 times lower – after 5 min, 2 times – after 12 and 24 h. Complete salting was also registered after 36 h of brining. Conclusion. The fluorescence method proved quite effective in determining the ripening of boneless turkey parts meat.
Brine, meat, fluorescence, fluorophore, analysis
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How to quote?
Moiseeva NS, Chekryga GP, Motovilov OK, Golub OV. Fluorescence Method in Measuring the Degree of Brine Penetration into Boneless Whole-Muscle Turkey Meat. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2021;51(2):209–219. (In Russ.).
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