ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 28, Issue 1, 2013

Beverages are the most technologically advanced products to create new types of functional foods. The widen-ing of the assortment of useful and functional beverages reveals the possibility to control the intake of biologically active substances in the human body. From a technological point of view, beverages are the most convenient model for the creation of new products including the use of natural plant raw materials. All possible ways to make a beverage based on beer wort have been investigated. The optimum dose of pine extract added to the beverage has been determined. The organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indices of a new variety of the beverage based on beer wort with added pine extract have been studied.
Model basic milk and vegetative products, such as buckwheat, rice and oat flour are considered. The influence of type and quantity of a vegetative component on the complex of organoleptic, chemical, rheological parameters is experimentally and analytically defined. The Reynolds number is considered an objective parameter describing a degree of influence of vegetative ingredients.
Experimental data on the influence of smoking process on the qualitative indicators and chemical composition of semi-hard rennet cheese are given in the article. The investigations of the influence of smoking on the chemical composition and organoleptic indicators of the «Kostromskoj» cheese (control) and the «Premium» cheese (experiment ) produced with propionic acid bacteria are carried out with the purpose of production development and widening the assortment of semi-hard cheese. The analysis of the experimental data allows to recommend the following regime of smoking: temperature – 25–30 °C, smoking time – 4 hours, which is more rational.
Lactase (β-galactosidase) is an enzyme of hydrolases class, catalyzing the splitting of lactose in the alimentary canal into galactose and lactulose. In our country, the production of low lactose dairy products and medicines to make up the deficiency of lactose is absent. Their production is a promising direction. In this regard, the analysis of microor-ganisms producing β-galactosidase enzyme is carried out. The conclusion based on the results obtained will be used in further studies.
The strain Enteroccocus thailandicus KPB-2 was isolated from the Vietnamese national fermented sour pork roll “Nem chua”. The strain was identified on the basis of the 16S rRNA nucleotide sequence analysis and deposited under number B-10684 in the Russian National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms of the State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms («Genetika»). Pathogenicity genes were not found using the method of PCR-based genotyping of the strain. The results of researches of phenotypic, molecular genetic, technologic and probiotic properties make it possible to recommend using this strain as a starter culture in meat industry and as a probiotic in food biotechnology.
Investigated is the hydrolysis of lactose under the influence of β-galactosidase of two types: the one produced by the K. Fragilis fungi and the “Maksilat” enzyme preparation. The degree of lactose hydrolysis and carbohydrate composition of the medium at different doses of enzyme, temperature, pH and duration of the process is studied. It is proved that the effects of different samples of commercial preparation of β-galactosidase on the hydrolysis of lactose have individual characteristics showing their activity in different environmental conditions. For Ha-lactise preparation they were as follows: pH 6,12, the temperature of 45 0C, the enzyme dose of 0,04–0,06 % and for Maxilakt-2000 preporation: pH 7,5 and the temperature of 20 0C. The study is based on the researches of N.N. Lipatov, A.G. Khramtsova, U.Y. Sviridenko and others.
This article contains materials justifying the relevance of the technology for ready to eat canned soup-puree from albatrossia pectoralis. The work resulted in the identification of five canned soup recipes. The mode of sterilization allows to ensure the microbiological safety of canned food. The technological scheme for production of canned fish-plant soups-puree is developed. Evaluation of the quality of finished product showed that the new type of canned food will expand the assortment of foods that can be recommended for all age groups.
The possibility to replace fats with vegetable oils in the formula of butter biscuit is investigated. Such a replacement influences both the quality of the dough and that of finished goods as oils are badly retained by the goods and are extracted from them in the course of storage. The necessity to introduce natural food additives based on polysaccharides and proteins into the formula is shown. The dosage variation of vegetable oil and food additives with reference to their mutual influence will allow to obtain the dough with necessary rheological properties and finished goods of demanded quality.
Based on reliable theoretical analysis, the article shows the possibility of developing a food fortifier for the dairy industry, with high consumer properties. Special attention is paid to the selection of composites with different combina-tions – natural honey : pomace meal : lentil flour. Model composite combination formed the basis for the development of composition for a food fortifier. The main chemical composition, the results of calculation of the satisfaction degree for the basic food substances are studied when using 100 g of the product. Individual technological diagram for the pro¬duction process is created.
The efficiency of action of antioxidant-emulsifying complex (AEC) with the use of red palm oil and lecithin in the production technology of mayonnaise sauces is theoretically proved and confirmed by experiment. It has been es-tablished that addition of AEC into a fat base of emulsion products promotes braking of oxidation in a product. The bal¬anced fat bases are simulated due to the use of liquid vegetable oils of various fatty-acid groups such as oleinic, linoleic, linolenic acids. The dependence of efficiency of an antioxidant-emulsifying complex on the percentage of lecithin, red palm oil and linolenic acids in a finished product has been established. The optimum ratio of components of antioxi¬dant-emulsifying complex has been obtained. New formula and technology of mayonnaise sauce production are scien¬tifically proved.
The results of studies on probiotic properties of symbiotic starter based on kefir fungal starter and propionic acid bacteria are given. It was established that the introduction of propionic acid bacteria into the consortium of microorganisms of kefir fungal starter increases antimutagenic as well as antagonistic and vitamin forming activity of combined starter.
The aims of this study were to investigate the diversity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from traditional Mongolian dairy products, and to estimate the probiotic potential of the isolated strains. We collected 69 samples of such traditional Mongolian dairy products as tarag, airag, aaruul, byasulag and eezgii, from which 543 LAB strains were isolated and identified on the basis of 16S ribosomal DNA sequence. The probiotic potential of the LAB isolates for making yoghurt was evaluated. All the LAB isolates were screened for tolerance to low pH and to bile acid, gas pro-duction from glucose, and adherence to Caco-2 cells. We found 10 strains that might possess probiotic properties, and identified them as Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum or L. paracasei subspecies, using 16S ribosomal DNA and carbo-hydrate fermentation pattern. These strains were differentiated from each other individually by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. In addition, it has to be noted that 6 of the 10 strains were isolated from the Dornogovi province khoormog.
The Far East frozen shrimp products prepared in various ways are investigated. It is established that regardless of the method of shrimp pre-treatment before freezing, there are changes in the quality of shrimp meat, the highest intensity of which is revealed after 4 months of storage. Processing of shrimp before freezing with the BL-7P preparation stabilizes the process of shell and flesh blackening, but reduces the biological value of proteins during storage.
The results of the research on obtaining extracts from the frozen fruits of hawthorn and May rose in the appa-ratus with a vibrating plate are presented. The equations of multiple regression to calculate the content of solids, the process efficiency and specific energy consumption depending on amplitude, fluctuation frequency, diameter of open-ings in the plate and the period of achieving the equilibrium state by the system are obtained.
Techniques of determining the velocity direction of the air flow inside the chamber of a centrifugal mixer with different rotation frequencies and rotor mixer design are presented. The article describes the impact of operational and design parameters on the direction and speed of the air flow inside the chamber of a centrifugal mixer. The conclusions and recommendations are given to determine the velocity direction of air flow within the chamber of a centrifugal mixer with different rotation frequencies and mixer rotor design.
The article deals with the problem of juice concentration using the method of ohmic (direct) heating. Experi-mental studies on three varieties of juices have been conducted. It has been found that the concentration of juices through ohmic heating is inertialess, so the foaming process during ohmic heating of juices is easily controlled by ad-justing a voltage. The process has also the ability to maintain the constant temperature of the solution eliminating over-heating, coagulation, and it provides the BAS preservation. Electrode mass does not change during heating. The con-struction of the experimental unit for ohmic heating of juices having the coaxial arrangement of electrodes and the sys-tem of automation of the process parameters is planned on the basis of the analysis of the results obtained as well as on the use of the data available from other fields of application of ohmic heating of liquid media.
The results of mass exchange investigation in vibrator extraction apparatus are given in the article. The investi-gation techniques are presented. The results of numerical data determination for Bio criterion and mass output coeffi-cient are analyzed. Recommendations for using the vibrator extraction apparatus for obtaining extracts from plant raw material are given.
The construction of pneumatic separator to separate grain, allowing efficient separation of bulk components in-to fractions, is developed. The construction features are the installation of separating channels depending on the required number of fractions, providing stable feed and uniform density of grain stream. The optimal mode of separation exemplified by the hulled rape is determined. The pneumatic separator is recommended to be used during preparation stage of the pressing in the rape oil production lines to improve its quality.
Conditions of the saturation of a solvent in processing the frozen cowberries in the vibrating plate apparatus are investigated. Influence of the opening diameter of the plate punching; a ratio of phases; quantities of operation cycles is studied. It is established that with rational values of the investigated parameters for 5 cycles the concentration of dry water-soluble substances increases from 2,5 to 7,3 % when using water as a solvent, when using 40 % ethyl alcohol as a solvent it increases from 5,2 to 22 % for 4 cycles.
The modeling method of membrane concentration processes of liquid food media based on transfer functions is proposed. Structural and parametric identification of the model of the concentration process in the membrane apparatus with the effect of border-membrane layer removing has been done. The model goodness of fit is proved by experiment.
The analysis of nutrition of schoolchildren and students of the Kemerovo region is presented in the article. On the results of the conducted analysis, the actual individual nutrition is estimated according to the content of the basic nutri-ents, and biologically active substances. The influence of nutrition on the health of the younger generation has been shown. To provide the schoolchildren’s bodies with necessary nutrients the way of correcting their diets by introducing biologically active additives has been offered.
The analysis of health and nutrition of senior schoolchildren is carried out based on questionnaires – polling methods, the results of medical examination of pupils, and the data of official statistics. The correlation between dietary patterns and abnormalities in adolescent health is established. It is revealed that the quality and range of school rations are not satisfactory for 14 and 80 % of the students and their parents respectively. In addition, a significant number of parents have a low awareness of the specialized products and the principles of schoolchildren nutrition. The actual nu¬trition pattern does not meet the standards of food consumption for adolescents.
The parametrical model of process of hydrolysis-ekstragirovanija for animal raw materials of the sea origin is offered, allowing to connect parameters of management, a condition, indignation and supervision. Being based on the offered model it is experimentally confirmed that the basic influencing factors for hydrolysis-ekstragirovanija process making essential impact on structure and is functional-technological properties of received updatings from animal raw materials of a sea origin are: duration, the hydromodule, temperature, concentration of acid (acid hydrolysis), a parity enzyme-substratum, the size of particles (hydrolysis) and frequency rate Processings (hydrothermal). Rational parame-ters of hydrolysis-ekstragirovanija for reception of updatings from not fish objects and a waste of their processing with the set is functional-technological properties are defined.
Examination of biological material samples were conducted to detect the effectiveness of the DNA isolation and purification quality. The optimum high performance method for isolating animal DNA from samples of biological origin and multicomponent compositions on its basis was selected. The quantitative content of animal DNA in samples of biological origin and multicomponent formulations on their basis was studied.
The mutual influence of selenopiran and potassium iodide in model solutions is studied. The formula and tech-nology of the complex enriching additives (CEA) for bakery products are developed, modes and periods of storage are established. High storability of iodine and selenium in bread after baking is shown. Positive influence of the CEA on consumer properties of bread in the course of storage is established.
The attempt to undertake an initial statistical analysis on the demographic, gender, geographic and semantic grounds of ordinary conversations of the United States inhabitants in the network of Internet on the topics concerning cheese has been done. Through the prism of the «cheese topics», a picture of modern American society has been ob-taineded. The revealed regularities can be useful when promoting the products of the cheese-making industry to the Western market.
The development of a competitive special purpose food products is a topical area of development in the food in¬dustry. It has been identified that the change of pastry goods recipe by exclusion baking flour from its ingredients changes functional and technological qualities of the semi-finished product (dough), plus the new consumer qualities formation of finished goods. The optimum ratio of buckwheat and rice flour in waffles recipes has been chosen taking into account the organoleptic and physical-chemical qualities of the finished goods.
The article reveals the necessity and the objective principles of strengthening integration processes in the former Soviet Union. As a reflection of these processes, the role of the Customs Union of Russia, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan is investigated. The authors show a nature and a meaning of the Customs Union formation for the economy of Russia. The main aspect of the article is a characterization of improving legal framework directions and the description of the problems, which sprung up on this way.
The economic assessment of production of a new food product of functional and treatment-and-prophylactic prescription is carried out. Based on research of consumer preferences, the reasonability of production of a new food product of functional and treatment-and-prophylactic prescription based on enriched granulated porridge is confirmed. The programme aims to promote the product in the market are defined. The competitiveness assessment based on SWOT-analysis and a parametrical method is carried out. The calculation of production costs allowed to define the price of the product. The main types of risks and ways of their decreasing are revealed. The reason of successful bringing of the developed product to the market is the formation of consumer awareness together with optimum price policy.
Designed is the project to staged realization of technology of potato goods production using a graph theory from the moment of approving design documents until putting into operation a technological line. Realized is the develop-ment of the problems of business planning, calculation of expenses on building and construction works; presented are organizational and finance plans, as well as the estimate calculation of the manufactured product.