a Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation
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Nowadays nutrition sauces play an important role allowing you to impart original taste and flavor to basic foods the, improve their digestibility. However, there is hardly any beetroot products in the range of canned snack foods, to which vegetable sauces belong. This is most likely due to high pectin content of beet, which impedes the manufacturing process. The purpose of the research is to develop the formula and technology of the vegetable sauce from red beet using hydromechanical dispersion to widen the assortment of the canned snack food. The research tasks were to conduct a comprehensive study of technological suitability for processing red beet; to elaborate beet sauce recipes; to test the hydromechanical dispersion method to produce new products. The study turned to conventional research methods (organoleptic and physico-chemical), the results of which were processed with software usage. It has been found that beet harvested in the Novosibirsk region meets the requirements of the quality regulation standard and organoleptic evaluation proves its high quality. It is shown that the chemical composition of beet corresponds to the average literature data. Formulation and production technology of beet sauce have been developed. The technology is based on the method of hydromechanical dispersion using the equipment, allowing inducing an overall effect on the products (simultaneous homogenization, pasteurization and partial deodorization). Basing on organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological studies the conditions and shelf life of new products, regulated quality indices including nutritional and energy values have been established. The red beet sauce allows us to expand the range of this commodity group.
hydromechanical dispersion
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