Food fibers are some kind of food for useful intestines microorganisms without which a human body cannot exist. The purpose of the research is the development of activities to increase a nutritive value of cottage cheese. The object of the research is the factors forming examination of quality of the cottage cheese enriched with “FIBRIL 500” food fibers. The conducted investigations suggest that the quality of the product is a set of consumer properties making it possible to meet specific or estimated needs in the system of production relations. Any production released by enterprises has numerous properties, which reflect objective reality of a material world. Fuller use of milk components in case of using “FIBRIL 500” fibers allows us to increase profitability of cottage cheese production almost by 1.5 times. It is important that the increase in production efficiency be reached without increase in equipment costs, change of technology and intra shop expenses.Keywords
Food industry, milk processing, cottage cheese, food fibers, food components, prebiotics, dispersionREFERENCES
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