Due to the continuous increase in the volume of different types of food additives application for technological purposes, a deep studying of approaches and decisions on the production and development of raw sources of reproduction is urgent and demanded. To ensure necessary level of safety of people’s life and health and the rise of competitiveness of Russian products the authors do researches on the development of new functional ingredients at complex processing of plant raw materials of the Siberian region. As a result of the conducted researches, the choice of plant raw materials components is substantiated (fruits of sea-buckthorn, guelder-rose, dogrose, etc.) as sources of functional ingredients. The resource-saving technological scheme of complex processing of fruits of sea-buckthorn where along with sea-buckthorn oil the production of fruit powder from pulp of sea-buckthorn and clarified juice has been offered to develop. Rational use of seeds is provided. Complex dietary supplements based on the products of sea-buckthorn processing have been developed. Efficiency of the developed antioxidant and emulsifying additives using natural biologically active agents in the production technology of food emulsions has been theoretically proved and experimentally confirmed. Relevance and prospects of further developments and researches in the field of new domestic micro-ingredients development have been proved.Keywords
Functional and technological additives, new approaches, import substitution, formation of properties, industrial introduction, microemulsions, irreplaceable feedstuffs, membrane lipids, antioxidant complexesREFERENCES
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