The article presents the analysis of factors and conditions influencing the occurrence of information asymmetry in the market of dairy products and the study on consumer behavior characteristics of certain groups of population of Kemerovo concerning the choice of dairy products. For these purposes, the concept of "information asymmetry" in relation to the dairy market was determined. Attention is focused on the existing contradiction between the demand for cost-effective food production business and consumers’ requirements for food products. It is noted that the use of imported powdered milk and tropical oils in commercial production of dairy products hides serious problems in the industry of dairy cattle-breeding and negatively affects the quality of dairy foods. Various typological groups of respondents having peculiar features of consumer behavior were formed during the research. The results of the study were three main types of consumer behavior when selecting dairy products in relation to the degree of their naturalness, labeling, frequency of consumption and new types of foods.Keywords
The market of dairy products, consumer behavior, asymmetry of information, food securityREFERENCES
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