ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article shows the results of a comprehensive quality assessment of the meat of Yakut breed foals. In Yakutia one of the basic and traditional source of meat raw material is young horses’ meat. In this research it was found that colt meat is a product of high biological and nutritional value, characterized by low calorie, high protein content. Uniqueness of the horse meat is in the balance of amino acid structure of proteins and therefore, it is referred to as dietetic food. The data characterizing the horse meat amino acid structure depending on the age are presented. The most balanced polyunsaturated fatty acid content is found in the meat of the Yakut breed foals of 8 months of age. Studies have shown that with age and body weight, meatiness increases, but the increase of bone tissue is observed, which leads to the reduction of meatiness index. According to the results of a study of the consumer properties of young horse cooked meat, a pronounced effect of age on the organoleptic characteristics, and more on taste and smell was determined; in broth - on color (transparency) and aroma. Based on the analysis and integration of complex investigations, the optimal slaughter age was set to get foal meat with the highest level of consumer properties.
Foal meat, aminoacid composition, fatty acid composition, organoleptic indices, freshness, microbiological indicators, comprehensive assessment
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