ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The development of new formulas and technologies for confectionery plays an important role in formation of the range of functional foods. The use of oil cakes has certain prospects in achieving the objectives. The aim of the research was to investigate the possibility of using food cake from nonconventional oil plants for the development of new kinds of confectionery and assessment of the projected changes in their nutritional quality. Selection of the research materials (cedar, pumpkin and sesame cake) is based on the literature data on the nutritional quality of the original oily raw materials, and the results of our experimental studies on the composition of fatty acids, lipids and amino acid composition of proteins of the considered oil cakes. The research task was to optimize the ratio of flour and the studied oil cakes in terms of composition and the ratio of essential amino acids. To achieve the purpose the amino-acid scores, protein utility and comparable redundancy of the model two-component flour mixes (oil cake + wheat flour) were calculated. The program written using the Borlan Delphi programming language presents an algorithm of the procedure of search for oil cake and wheat flour correlations, and graphical visualization of the obtained data. The calculations are done in the program module that makes it possible to change the original data and get the best indices for two-flour mixes. The initial data are masses of essential amino acids, g/100 g of oil cake protein, wheat flour and standard scale FAO/ WHO. The analysis of results of flour mixes program optimization shows that cedar, pumpkin and sesame cakes can be used in the development of new confectionery. The result of the proposed conditions for obtaining a flour mix by combing an oil cake with wheat flour is the increase of nutritional quality of new confectionery.
Confectionery, oil cake, unconventional oily raw materials, combination of protein containing raw materials, optimization of formulas
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