ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


In article existing technologies of whey beverages are analysed. Expediency of processing whey in the increased viscosity beverages is noted. An alternative plant ingredient for regulation of the beverage consistence, namely orange food fibers Citri-Fi, with the corresponding functional and technological properties is considered. For establishing the optimum modes of the introduction of food fibers in to whey samples the MathCad 15 mathematical modeling is used. Food fiber samples are investigated using an ultra-violet microscope. The value of dynamic viscosity of the hydrated whey-vegetable mixes is determined by the Geppler's viscometer. Researches of conditions for preparation and introduction of orange food fibers into whey for receiving the increased viscosity beverages are presented. Optimum parameters for increasing viscosity process for whey-vegetable mixes are determined. Visualization of the dry Citri-Fi transformations when swelling in whey is given, that allowed to observe repeated increase in the tubular fiber volume. The mechanism of moisture keeping process is confirmed by preservation of fibrous structure and significant increase in the volume of a food fiber fragment due to whey absorption. Rational parameters and the technological scheme of whey drinks with the increased viscosity are developed. Optimum modes of preparation and introduction of the whey-vegetable mix into the main volume of whey are as follows: quantity of Citri-Fi - 4... 5 %, hashing duration - 10... 15 min., swelling temperature - 30 ... 35 ° C. Rational amount of the whey-vegetable mix is 10... 12,5 % under the following modes of its introduction into the main volume of whey: temperature -50... 60 °C, hashing duration - 8... 10 min.
Whey, dietary fibers, IR-spectroscopy, beverages with higher viscosity
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