ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Influence of flat products of the light-alloyed steels on a quality indices and vegetable oil safety at different temperature conditions taking into account transportation period from 7 to 21 days is investigated. To realize the purpose of the research a number of tests was carried out. The conditions most approximated to real conditions of transportation, taking into account a surface of a product contact with steel, temperature conditions, light and oxygen access are recreated. Investigations of vegetable oils on oxidative deterioration index before a contact with steel, and after seven, fourteen and twenty one days at the conditions of transportation have been conducted. The influence of light-alloyed steels on oxidative deterioration index of vegetable oils has been proved. Recommendations concerning the conditions of vegetable oil transportation in car-tanks made of light-alloyed steels have been formulated on the basis of the results of the research conducted.
Vegetable oil, oxidation, transportation, storage, rolled sheet steel, oxidative deterioration index
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