The surface of the kernel of grain oats after peeling covered trichomes (hairs). After grinding abrasive wheels with the surface of the nucleus removed not only the hair down and flower films, but the aleurone layer. So when increased 500 times on the surface after polishing distinct starch grains endosperm.After grinding felt circles erases down and rest flower films. Milder impact felt you can maintain the integrity of the aleurone layer and reduce mechanical effect on the kernel. This increases the integrity of the kernel and its sohrannost the surface of the nucleus (the aleurone layer) distinguishable slight superficial damage is burrs. These fins are located along the length of the kernel, and their width is 20 - 50 microns.Keywords
Grain oats, grinding, abrasive circles, felt, shell, core microstructure of the surfaceREFERENCES
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