ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The effect of a lipid complex of fats and oils on a human organism and their role in physiology of nutrition are reviewed in the paper. Aspects of impairment of the nutritional status upon fat consumption, in particular, the excess consumption of saturated fats, trans-isomers of fatty acids, and cholesterol as well as the deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids, are discussed. The data on oil and fat in modern structure of nutrition are described. Aspects of the development of balanced fat compositions, taking into account norms of physiological requirements of modern people in lipids and their structural components, are reviewed. The comparative analysis of fatty-acid composition of milk fat, and of natural oils that belong to different fatty-acid groups and the modified fats is carried out. The combination of milk fat with vegetable oils and fats belonging to different fatty-acid groups made it possible to create a product with fatty-acid composition very close to «hypothetically ideal fat». The content of poly-non-saturated fatty acids in the developed compositions corresponds to a formula of «hypothetically ideal fat» and makes 10-15%, thus, the ratio between ω6/ω3 fatty acids makes 10:1 that meets a standard requirement of a healthy person. When correcting an optimum milk fat/ vegetable oilratio, we considered not only medical and biological requirements for consumption of this or that essential acid, but also texture and rheological characteristics of the developed product. The data on the construction of fat bases from milk fat, natural, and modified vegetable oils and fats that provide predetermined consumer properties of functional dairy fat products are presented.
Fat consumption, nutritional status, saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty acids, balanced fat composition, fat base construction
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