ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Effect of temperature on color red wine drinks in contact with air

The topicality of the research was lack of data in literature that was render impossible stability of color prediction by heat treatment in contact with oxygen of air the specials wine drinks and applicability separate of grape cultivated in Altai territory for production. The aim of the work was studied influence of temperature on the change of color characteristics of red wine drinks produced from grape Zagadka Sharova and Zilga. In work at the accelerated aging in the presence of air oxygen at four various temperatures of the wine drinks making by several ways were determined color characteristics by UV-visible spectroscopy. According to the obtained values ​​the models are constructed that allow us to estimate the subsequent change of the contents anthocyanins and other characteristics. The content of monomeric anthocyanins obtained by calculation on the basis of spectral data, to make the assumption that the concentration is decreased of equation first order reactions. From the comparison of experimental and calculated data shows that the lower the temperature during the observation, the greater the discrepancy between experimental and calculated values of the kinetic model. These differences are stored for each of the three drinks. At elevated temperatures and exposure time is greater than 14 weeks, the decrease of the percentage of the color attributable to the polymeric form, that the may be due to either the loss of their to with sediments, and oxidative degradation, leading to loss of color. For the mathematical description of the patterns of change in hue of the proposed of kinetic model zero order dT/dτ = k (t). Changes in the intensity of color at 520 nm from the exposure time at temperatures of 20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C and 55 °C is for samples the wine drinks is quite similar. Experiments showed that the color of wine drinks changes towards brown tones by accelerated aging. The long aging at the high temperatures in production of wine drinks from early variety of grapes of the Altai territory is inadmissible.
Red wine drink, anthocyanins, color, aging, temperature
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