ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Quark and quark products manufactured by means of membrane technologies are characterized by high content of valuable whey protein and are successfully used in dietetic nutrition but they are not recommended for people suffering from different extentsof milk protein allergy and areoften excluded from the diet. Usage of biocatalytic conversion of milk polypeptides and additional introduction of vegetable proteins with low allergenic properties will tackle the problem of hypoallergenic quark product development. The program of research trials involved the standardized and adapted test methods of quark product samples. The enzyme composition consisting of Protamex and Alcalase enzyme preparations in the ratio of 3,5 and 0,5 %, respectively, of protein content in the mixture, providing reduction of residual antigenicity of whey proteins has been chosen. The composition structure has been determined and qualitative ratios of peptide and fat fractions of milk-vegetable system with reference to residual antigenicity reduction and the product nutritional value improvement have been optimized. Peptide composition of the phase is as follows: native milk protein - 47 %, hydrolyzed protein of milk whey - 33 %, isolated soya potein - 20 %; Fat phase composition is: butterfat - 60 %, milk fat replacer (MFR) «SolPro717» - 40 %. Three-species starter for fermentation of milk-vegetable mixture LTT-1 introduced in the amount of 5 % providing acceptable technological parameters within ripening process has been selected. It has been stated that assimilation of essential amino acids of the developed product makes up 87,2%, relative biological value compared to quark control sample is 122,7%, residual antigenicity by β-lactoglobulin content compared to quark enriched with CRS and natural quark is reduced to 17,5 % and 32,6 %, respectively. Residual antigenicity stipulated by the amount of casein fractions and α-lactalbumin is reduced to 62,2 and 52,6 % relative to the corresponding control samples. The set of SD for quark product for dietary preventive nutrition has been developed and industrial implementation has been carried out.
Quark product, allergy, hydrolysis, fermented preparation, biological value
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