ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM of national factors of organizational culture and ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH work behavior

Socio-economic reforms carried out at the moment, are in conflict with the Russian national culture norms, representing not just a replacement of the economic mechanism of management, but also denial lifestyle of most of the population, which leads to the rejection of market relations. In recent years, at the stage of intensive formation of market mechanisms, apparently growing problem of work motivation, work behavior and the labor market. The subject of this study is a theoretical rationale for the consideration of the modern work behavior and organizational culture. Obvious need for using the accumulated cultural capital appropriate to the economic situation. When writing an article used the methods of comparison, monographic, a literature review on the subject of research. In the article, as the question, the features of Russian national culture in terms of features of business turnover. The analysis of the organizational culture revealed a lack of correlation of the national organizational culture and work behavior (work motivation).
Motivation, work, work behavior, organizational culture, national culture
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