In the conditions of globalization there is a rapid growth of the global companies strengthening influence on the counterparties and economic policy. The detection of functioning specifics and mechanisms of influence of the global companies is base for development of the decisions on increase of competitiveness of the largest domestic companies and increase of Russian role in the world economy. In the article the features of the functioning of the global food companies as types of the global companies which abruptly strengthened influence on the development of the world economy in the last two decades are considered; the influence mechanisms of the global companies from the Central countries on economic space based on both economic and noneconomic methods are revealed. The expansion of an influence sphere of the multinational corporation from initial control over resale of certain products before hard domination in the global value chains created by these companies is considered through a evolution prism of the multinational corporation functioning in the food markets. The data of Fortune Global 500-2014 illustrating the scales of the global food companies on sales volume and profit and the merges' scales for 2007-2013 in the food industry are given; the impact of these processes on development of the global food companies is estimated. The special attention is given to questions about penetration and functioning of the global food companies in the Russian food markets which both control many traditionally Russian brands and promote new brands. In the article positive and negative consequences of the impact of the global food companies on the companies from developing countries and the country in general, and also quite feeble attempts of the regulating impact on these companies from the international organizations, in particular, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations are analyzed. In the article the actual problem of the economic sanctions in the conditions of an aggravation of the political relations between the USA, the EU countries and Russia which concerned a number of food products is risen.Keywords
Global companies, global food companies, global value chainsREFERENCES
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