Volume 37, Issue 2, 2015
The work shows the inevitability of radically new technical equipment for agricultural, processing and food technologies in the peri- od when the Russian agro-industrial complex is entering the sixth technological mode. According to S.Y. Glazyev, a technological mode is an integral and stable formation, within which a closed cycle, starting with getting primary resources and ending with the output of a set of finished products according to the type of public consumption. A complex of basic sets of technologically conjugate industries forms the core of the technological mode. Technological innovations responsible for the formation of the technological mode core are called a key factor. The branches intensively using the key factor and playing a leading role in the popularization of a new technological mode are basic branches. A simpler definition was given by Y.V. Yakovets: a technological mode is some interre- lated and successive generations of technology, implementing a common evolutionary technological principle. K. Perez considers a techno-economic paradigm as the sphere of production and economic relations with all its phenomena (income distribution, technol- ogy, organization and management methods). In this case, K Perez holds with S.Y. Glazyev as far as the key factor is concerned. To ensure food security the Doctrine clearly marks one of the main directions of state policy in the coming years - "the gradual reduction of dependence of the domestic agricultural and fishery complexes on imported technologies, machinery, equipment and other r e- sources". Thus, giving up import technologies, machinery, and equipment etc. attention should be focused on domestic agricultural and food engineering. In this situation, one has to comprehend the dilemma: it is either revolutionary (breakthrough), replacing, in- novative technologies with the appropriate technical support, or evolutionary, improving technologies with the appropriate technical provision as well.
Technologies making rational use of raw materials to ensure safety and to improve the nutritional and biological value of products are of prior importance in the development of the baking industry. Bread making technologies based on dough sours belong to this direction. A wide use of dough sours of different composition in the bakery is also associated with the desire of manufacturers to reduce yeast in recipes of making bread. The practice of preparing dough sours showed that spontaneous microflora is not always able to ensure the normal fermentation process of half-finished goods. In this work, the microbiological characteristics of AromaLeaven dough sour and its antagonistic properties have been studied and microbiological safety of bread based on this dough sour has been evaluated. The microbiological analysis of the dough sour Aroma Leaven microflora composition has shown that viable yeastcells are missing in it. It has been also found that lactic acid bacteria of the dough sour have antagonistic activity against B. subtilis, E. coli, S. aureus, P. chrysogenum, M. racemosus. It has been proved that introduction of exactly 2.8% of dough sour to the flour mass has the most positive effect on the microbiological characteristics of dough safety, since at this dose the reduction of wildyeasts, bacteria of the genus Leuconostoc and spore-forming bacteria is observed. According to the research results, it has been found that bread based on Aroma Leaven dough sour is good only in the case of adding a small amount (1 %) of baker's yeast to it. Thus,we assume that in the future the dough sours based on lactic acid bacteria can become a qualitative replacement of baker's ye ast in the production of bread, because of their positive effect on its quality and safety.
In this paper, on the basis of the conducted research, the technology of foaming agent for sports nutrition from pig blood has beendeveloped. The formulae of presented options of products are given. Physico-chemical properties and microbiological characteris-tics have been studied. The process of obtaining a foaming agent consists of the following operations: blood collection, stabilization of blood, cooling of stabilized blood, and separation of plasma and eritrocitarnae mass, collection of plasma, freeze-drying, packag-ing, storage. To stabilize whole blood, it is advisable to use a 0.75% solution of Na3PO4 and 4% solution of Na3C6 H5O7 in the ratio of 1:1 or a 0.75% solution of Na3PO4 and 4% solution of Na3C6 H5O7, in the ratio of 2:3. The stabilizer to blood ratio is 1:10. The separation of stabilized blood is made when the separation factor Fr =2000. Blood plasma drying is carried out using a sublimation method. The total process lasts for 240 minutes at the temperature of 40C. The developed technology allows obtaining a finished product that meets the requirements of SanRaN for microbiological characteristics and the content of toxic elements. The product has a high content of essential amino acids and can be recommended as a protein component of the protein cocktails for sports nu-trition. Production of protein foam concentrates with a high content of protein from secondary raw materials (pig blood plasma) is a good way to improve the quality of functional foods using a low cost process.
The protein composition of wild plants is quite diverse. Some herb wild plants have rather high protein content and can serve as its additional source when developing combined products with balanced protein content. In this regard, the selection of wild plants, protein content of which would be complementary to that of some dairy protein products, in particular, of processed cheeses is of special interest. To improve the organoleptic characteristics of processed cheeses it is expedient to use compositions of herb and fruit raw materials. The research objects were raw materials, included into the processed cheese formula: Kostroma cheese, powdered milk, wild raw material suspensions (sorrel, ramson, gooseberry, red currant, cowberry), as well as compositions from these raw materials. Amino-acid balance was determined using N. N. Lipatov's technique. Ten compositions of wild raw materials, having acceptable organoleptic indices, have been suggested and recommended for the production of processed cheeses. The amino-acid scores of dairy raw materials (Kostroma cheese, powdered milk) and those of the studied wild raw materials have been analyzed. It has been established that of sorrel, ramson, nettle and red currant proteins are complementary to dairy raw material ones. The biological value of processed cheeses with the suggested compositions of wild raw materials has been considered. Their amino-acid scores and the analytical coefficients characterizing amino-acid balance of processed cheeses have been calculated. The compositions of wild raw materials, including sorrel, ramson, nettle, cowberry and red currant to increase the biological value of processed cheeses have been recommended. Their inclusion into the processed cheese formula enables to raise the amino-acid score of processed cheeses in terms of amino acid (methionine + cysteine) from 93% to 96.4-108.0%. Digestibility of products was up to 93-95%. The use of certain compositions of wild raw materials when producing processed cheeses will make it possible to improve the amino-acid balance, to increase the biological value of products, and also to enrich them with vitamins, mineral substances and other BAS of natural origin and to expand the range of processed cheeses.
I In the process of technological quality control of foods containing antioxidants, it is necessary to estimate the total content of struc- turally or functionally related analytes. The article presents the results of spectrophotometric investigations (done using FRAP (fer- ric-reducing antioxidant power) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) methods) to study the antioxidant activity of individual antioxidants («SELEX» food additive, vitamins E, A, C, and melatonin) and several species of selenium-containing bakery products («Gorodskaya» wheat flour bread and enriched counterparts - «Gorodskaya with selenium» bread, «Gorodskaya with selenium» bread enriched with vitamins) as well as a mathematical processing of the experimental results. It is well established that vitamin C, vitamin E, A exhibit significantly greater antioxidant activity than melatonin and «SELEX» do, regardless of the method of me as- urement. Vitamin C has the highest antioxidant capacity, «SELEX» (using DPPH method) and melatonin (using FRAP method) have the lowest antioxidant capacity. The antioxidant activity of vitamin E is 15 times higher than that of «SELEX» according to the FRAP method and 54 times higher according to the DPPH method. Theoretically and experimentally, it has been found that the anti- oxidant capacity of fortified foods is almost entirely due to the presence of vitamin E in them, and the presence of «SELEX» makes little contribution to the antioxidant properties of bakery products. Thus, the optical density of foods fortified with selenium alone is10.7 % higher than that in the object of enrichment -«Gorodskaya» bread. A vitamin enriched, selenium-containing analogue of«Gorodskaya» bread has an optical density of 2.3 times higher than that of the prototype and 2.1 times higher than that of the productenriched only with a mineral component.
Buckwheat is a promising raw material for malting. Different authors have shown that it can be used for production of gluten -freebottom and top fermentation beer, non-alcoholic beer, kvass, poly-malt extracts, bread improver and others. However, all researchers note buckwheat malt lack of solubility that makes its processing more difficult and entails additional costs. Scalding facili tates theimprovement of malt quality from cereal, though it has not been applied to buckwheat malt technology before. In th is study, threemodes were used to produce scalded malt from two buckwheat varieties (Izumrud and Pri 7). Its quality was evaluated in terms of moisture, extractability, amylolytic activity (diastatic power), Kolbach Index, amino nitrogen content, wort viscosity and acidity. Theregimes differed from one another by the duration of germination, duration and temperature of scalding as well. Following the firstmethod germination lasted for 2.5 days, and scalding for half a day at the temperature of 40 C. When using the second method ger- mination lasted for 3 days and scalding for 1 day at the same temperature. The germination period of the third method was the same as for the second one but scalding took place at the temperature of 45 C. The results showed that scalding did not reduce amylolytic malt activity, contributed to a significant increase of extractability and amino nitrogen content in the wort, and the decrease of wort viscosity (except sample 3 of the Izumrud variety), and obtaining the optimum Kolbach Index. The most quality malt was produced using the third method, when grain was germinated during three days and then it was exposed to scalding at the temperature o f 45 C for one day. Variety differences were observed in terms of malt extractability. It was higher for the Pri 7 variety. The other character- istics did not differ essentially. Scalded malt can be recommended for production of fermented beverages, mass consumption fo ods and specialized foodstuffs.
Production of new types of functional bakery products of is a perspective direction for the food industry. The widening of bakeryproducts assortment is due to the use of additional raw materials, one of which is soya-ginger or soya-citrus flour. In the article the results of scientific investigations, conducted in All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean (the Amur region), are present- ed. In the course of experimental researches, experiments on studying the influence of a new type of additive on organoleptic charac- teristics and biochemical composition of bakery products have been made. The research results allowed substantiating the possibility and the advisability of using a new type of flour in the technology of bakery products, as well as getting mathematical model s for organoleptic evaluation of bread rolls, by means of which the following parameters and modes of their preparation have been justi- fied: mass fraction of soya-ginger or soya-citrus flour is 29.7-32.3% of the amount of wheat flour, the dough fermentation period is2.0-2.2 h and the proving period is half an hour. Under the given technology parameters the general organoleptic evaluation using a100-point scale is from 89 to 94 points. Investigations of biochemical composition of the obtained products in comparison with tradi- tional ones made it possible to conclude that the developed products contain above 1.4-1.5 times protein, above 2 times mineral mat- ters, above 33-60 times vitamin C, to about 1.0 mg of vitamin E per 100 g a product, while the carbohydrate content is 1.3 times low- er, and the content of dietary fiber increased by 2.6-2.7 g per 100 g a product. Evaluation of new types of products has given positive results for all indices. Based on obtained results, the technology and normative-technical documentation for the production of bread rolls Amurskaja fantazija with addition of soya-ginger or soya-citrus flour have been substantiated and developed. This allows pro- duction of mass consumption goods with high nutritional and biological value, improved organoleptic characteristics, intended for functional nutrition.
The urgency of the problem of fruit raw materials drying under the controlled technological conditions consists in obtaining quality products with a high content of biologically active substances in these raw materials. In this regard, the use of physical methods of drying process intensification non-traditional for the food concentrates production is very promising. The article presents research results on the drying of plant raw materials by means of liquefied carbon dioxide impregnation under the pressure higher than the atmospheric one followed by sharp decompressed. Product dehydration is realized at continuous moisture removal and raw material treatment with low frequency electromagnetic field (LFEF). The purpose of this dehydration technique is to obtain fruit products of higher quality and at a lower cost. Original technique of freeze-drying of fruit raw material under the influence of LFEF in the carbon dioxide atmosphere has been described. The design of fruit drying installation has been suggested. The determined nutritional value of freeze-drying products has shown that digestibility, organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters of fruits dried by means of a new technology correspond to high-quality parameters and the products are popular with the population. The technical result of the new method is a shorter period of plant raw material drying, more rapid moisture evaporation, lower energy consumption and a smaller mass of the material dried. Capillary-porous structure of fruit raw material and the peculiarities of chemical composition impose special requirements to the organization of dehydration process. Fruit raw material contains a large amount of carbohydrates and lesser amounts of proteins, lipids, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamins. During drying, these substances undergo irreversible changes that reduce the biological value of the finished product. The considerable amount of carbohydrates in fruit tissue determines the duration of drying. It is impossible to use a higher temperature to shorten drying since this may lead to the formation o f hy- droxymethylfurfural and melanoidins.
From the technological point of view, one of urgent problems is the study of milk coagulation for samples containing a close to natu- ral amount of fat. This paper is devoted to theoretical and experimental study of flocculation and gelation processes in model samples of reconstituted milk containing different amounts of casein (2.5% and 5% by weight) and fat (0%, 2.5% and 5% by weight). Exper- imental study of the viscoelastic properties of milk clot during its formation was made with a dynamic rheometer of our own design characterized by reciprocal translational displacement of the cell relative to the stationary probe. A simplified kinetic mod el of the clot formation process is developed. Flocculation stage of this process is described as growth of fractal aggregates with fractal di- mension D = 2.22. In this case, the average size of the aggregates increases faster than the average distance between them, and if the initial concentration of the casein micelles is sufficient, the system reaches percolation stage, i.e. formation of continuum gel. The next stage is strengthening of the clot due to formation of additional bonds. Based on the proposed model the presence of min imum micelle concentration for gelation is explained. A possible explanation for the proportionality of the elastic modulus and th e loss modulus for gel network is suggested. It is found that decreasing the micelle concentration leads to the lowering of the number of additional bonds per unit volume at the clot formation stage and proportional decrease of the clot strength. For example, at any fat concentration the clot strength wherein the initial micelle concentration twice as much is approximately two times higher. The fat concentration increase also leads to the increase in the clot strength both by reducing the volume available to micelles and by increas- ing the stiffness of the casein chains due to decreasing of their lengths. In addition, protein-coated fat globule surfaces may seem to become the seed centers for flocculation and the formation of additional bonds, thereby increasing the rates of these processes.
Technologies of separation and purification of substances are widely used in those branches of industry where separation of compo- nents from a mix, concentration and obtaining of high-pure substances, water purification and production waste treatment, etc. are required. When organizing a production process special attention is paid to the creation of waste-free technologies and closed pro- duction schemes. Membrane methods are one of the separation and purification technologies for gas and liquid products processing. No phase changes occur when raw materials are processed using membrane methods unlike the cases when widely applied methods are used. Sometimes the membrane methods are not only economic and less power-intensive in comparison with other methods, but often allow a full use of raw materials and energy. Despite their advantages, membrane methods are not widely used in the industry now. The reason is low productivity of the membrane equipment owing to the layer formed on a surface of a membrane, and which contains detained substances, their concentration being higher than that in the main stream. In this regard, the development of the membrane equipment with a decreased layer of the detained substances is an actual task. A new construction of the membrane appa- ratus having an insert consisting of a bearing rod and conic elements has been developed. The thickness of the detained subst ance layer on the membrane is decreased by a hydrodynamic way. Experimental studies of the membrane apparatus when concentrating starch milk show that the new construction is efficient. The created regression model allowed defining the rational values of the tech-nological mode parameters (T = 45 °C, P = 0.25 MPa) for the greatest possible productivity (490∙10-6 m3/(m2 ∙ s)) of the membrane apparatus. It is experimentally determined that the efficiency of the developed membrane apparatus has increased by 1.6 times in comparison with that of a prototype.
The prevention of nutrition-related diseases is one of the priorities of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of different popula-tion groups of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the current research is to study the role of nutrition factor in preventing wide- spread gastrointestinal and cardiovascular pathologies. The object of the research was a new form of biologically active additive(BAA) “Neurostabil”, representing a complex of biologically active compounds and plant raw materials. Functional properties of thespecialized product are determined by the availability of vitamins C, A, E, D, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, PP, folic acid, Biotin, peony root, hop cones, fragrant herbs and motherwort, alpha-glutamic acid in it. The results of clinical trials of the functional orientation and effectiveness of BAA have been obtained by its use in the treatment of patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer in combination with hypertension. Factors of acid-forming function, the dynamics of stomach endoscopic and morphological patterns, the amount of nu- cleic acids in duodenal and gastric aspirates, indices of psychosomatic disorders, clinical manifestations before and after complex dietetic therapy have been studied. The developed product proves to contribute to the correction of metabolic abnormalities of peo- ple suffering from the above diseases. The main vector of this influence is aimed at earlier relief of the major symptoms of a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, stomach erosion epithelization, gastritis inflammation and activity reduction, the improvement of patient psycho-emotional condition. The most pronounced effect is observed when using BAA in combination with antisecretory drug an d eradication therapy. Methodological recommendations on the use of the specialized product at different stages of exacerbation have been developed.
Studying the role of nutrition factor in the prevention of occupation-related diseases is one of the main directions of modern science of nutrition. This paper presents experimental studies evaluating the effectiveness of the «Golden bal» enriched drink in the correc- tion of metabolic disorders under fluoride intoxication. The chronic influence of fluoride on the body of animals - albino rats of Wistar line - caused the increase of the content of fluoride, calcium, phosphorus in the urine and C-concentrated telopeptides - par- tiresmo hormone, osteocalcin and products of lipid peroxidation (with isolated double bonds, ketodienes and trienes, diene conju- gates) in blood. Cytochemical activity of respiratory enzymes: succinate dehydrogenase, alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (mitochondrial, cytoplasmic) and glutamate dehydrogenase increased. These materials allowed us to reveal the formation mecha- nisms of the pathogenesis of occupational fluorosis, to identify possible ways of its correction and prevention. Daily inclusion of this specialized product in the diet of rats for about of 3.5 mg/kg body weight resulted in normalization of these metabolic functions at all levels. The positive effect of vitamin-mineral complex manifested itself in the compensation of potassium and magnesium mineral salts, which helped to reduce the absorption of fluoride against its active excretion. Confirmation was the lack of fatal cases in the experimental group of animals with chronic fluoride intoxication when applying maintenance therapy using the tested product. The research results provided the basis for the optimization of therapeutic nutrition for workers of aluminum production as an after-shift rehabilitation factor against the effects of fluoride. The recommended amount is 2 cups per day as a third course or a refreshing drink.
Nutrition is one of the key factors in achieving results and maintaining the health of athletes along with methodological and psychological aspects of training. A special place among nutrient support elongs to biologically active additives (BAA) with the use of natural plant and animal raw materials, taking into account their efficiency and availability. Of great importance is scientific justification of BAA formulas considering age, sex, kind of sports and synergistic effects of individual components on the metabolic processes in the body. New types of BAA such as «Watton», «Orbital», «Vitalif» and used for sports nutrition at different periods of competitive activity have been developed. BAA formulas are based on literature data, materials of our own studies on the influence of effective agents on the processes of metabolism during training, competition and recovery periods, providing, in general, the result. Specialized products passed the antidoping control and are recommended for the sports diet.
One of the priorities is the development of modern science of nutrition is the development of specialized foods for the workers of various professions related to unfavorable working conditions. The role of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in reducing the professional and industrial-caused diseases among workers of industrial plants has been examined. The ways to optimize health- promoting diets specific to professions and the nature of effects on the body of toxic compounds have been determined. The results of the study of actual nutrition and vitamin supply of workers of metallurgical enterprises are presented. Taking into account the assessment of nutritional status instant drinks «Golden Ball» enriched with vitamins and pectin have been designed. The economic feasibility of the use of specialized foods compared with traditional ones has been shown. The experience of using the «Golden Ball» drinks and jelly at the metallurgical enterprises through their inclusion into the workers’ health- promoting diet and the study of factors characterizing the health and working ability are given.
A nanosorbent has been developed as a biologically active additive (BAA) referred to as «Gutta Viva», with sorption activity due to compositional combination of the two enterosorbents: Polysorbate 95 produced on the basis of modified low-energy citrus pectin and Aerosil produced using nanostructures of silicon dioxide. Based on the study of organoleptic and physical-chemical, sanitary- hygienic and sanitary-toxicological characteristics, regulated BAA quality indices, timing, and storage modes have been defined. Clinical trials of the specialized product by its inclusion in the diet of patients with gastrointestinal salmonellosis have been carried out. A comparative study showed intoxication syndrome reduction in patients with acute infectious gastrointestinal disease while receiving «Gutta Viva» complex. The rate of toxin elimination from the body, because of three-time intake of «Gutta Viva», was significantly superior to that of therapy without the nanosorbent. Intake of the recommended daily serving ensures the supply of 450 mg of soluble dietary fibers, representing 2.3% of the recommended level of consumption. The results proved the efficiency and functional orientation of the tested enterosorbent against endo- and exotoxins, microbial cells adsorbed on its surface and eliminated via the gastrointestinal tract. The technical documentation for the new product has been developed and approved, the expert opinions of the Institute of nutrition of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Ministry of health, were received which served as the basis for its inclusion in the Federal Register of biologically active additives and commercial production.
In this study, we investigated the possibility of using differential scanning calorimetry to evaluate the samples of canned milk prod-ucts with a mass fraction of milk fat up to 20 %. 15 samples of canned dairy products (condensed milk, sterilized milk, cream) sold in the commercial network of the Altai Territory were used as the object of study. A sample of water-free milk fat (melted butter ofindividual production) was taken for comparison. Based on these studies, the following conclusions have been made: DSC methodallows us qualitatively identify canned dairy products with a mass fraction of milk fat up to 20 % for the presence of non-dairy fat by identifying of endoeffects within 30-40 °C. Within these limits, the melting temperature of milk fat saturated triglycerides differsfrom that of palm oils by two to three degrees. Average values of melting heats of the triglyceride groups in the studied samples and their melting point have been calculated. For samples of sterilized milk the temperatures of two observed endoeffect maximums were close to the melting points of milk and final melting temperature of milk fat, and the magnitude of these thermal effects differ signifi- cantly from the enthalpy of melting ice and water-free milk fat. The addition of sugar results in decrease of samples melting tempera- ture. At the same time, the magnitude of these effects is substantially less than the fusion enthalpy of ice and anhydrous milk fat. Thiscan be explained by different character of intermolecular interaction between the components of milk, vegetable fats and sugar. It has also been found that of the fifteen samples of analyzed canned milk products twelve ones contain non-dairy fats, and only five sam- ples have information about vegetable fats available.
The melting curves of sea buckthorn oil samples of some producers in the Altai Territory were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSE). Comparison of the data of high-temperature gas chromatography and differential scanning calorimetry showed that melting of the main unsaturated triglycerides of sea buckthorn oil namely tripalmitin and tripalmitolein comply with a maximumendoeffect in the range of 0 ⁰C and that of major limiting triglycerides - tripalmitates - in the range of 10-15 ⁰C. The possibility toidentify the origin of the samples of sea buckthorn oil by DSC is shown.
The article presents the results of the study in determining the safety of tonic (energy) drinks with the help of three-factor regressionanalysis using a mathematical model of quality. The study has been performed on adult Wistar rats of both sexes in accordance with the requirements to the content and the humane treatment of experimental animals. The animals consumed the water solution of Schi- zandra chinensis extract at the rate of 4 mcg per 100 g of the body weight.The purpose of the study is to assess the risk of toxic or side effects when consuming the drink with Schizandra chinensis basing on the results obtained during pre-clinical trials with animal models using a mathematical model of changes of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) activity in quantitative indices of the activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) , crea- tinekinase (CK).The risk of damage to the cell membranes has been estimated by the quantitative content of the glycolytic enzymeLDH, the activity of which increases above the reference values of 170-480 U/l when having toxic damages of cells and tissues ofheart, kidney, liver and brain. The regression equations have been obtained which describe the change in LDH activity depending on X1 - ALT, X2 - AST, X3 - CK with laboratory animals of both sexes taking a drink with Schizandra chinensis . The significance of all coefficients of the regression equations has been shown, since their values are between the lower and upper limits of the confi- dence interval. The possibility of using the change in LDH activity in laboratory animals taking a drink with Schizandra chinensis as biomarkers of damage to the cell membranes has been theoretically proved. There has been LDH decrease within the normal range in laboratory animals, indicating the biological safety of the beverage to the human body.
According to the authors three fundamental Laws of Nature : 1. The Law of exponential growth of microorganisms; 2. The Law ofdirect proportionality which is unknown now to the most of microbiologists; 3. The Law of exponential reduction in the course of time of survived passive (latent) microorganisms in biological samples (e.g. in dry bacterial concentrates) under their permanentstorage conditions making cell growth impossible are the basis of general microbiology. All microbiologists recognize only the Firstlaw out of the three Laws listed. The remaining two Laws are not recognized officially so far. This work substantiates the necessity to recognize all three Laws of Nature as only the three make the fundamental base of general microbiology. Living cells of microorgan-ism growing culture comprise active (growing) and passive (latent) cells: (X gen.)o = (Xact.)o + (X pas.)o. Only active cells are growing in the exponentially growing culture. Passive cells are not growing and therefore the known equation of exponential growth of all living cells of the culture (Xgen.)t = (Xgen.)o · (Xpas.) · e μt is not really observed: (Xgen)t = (Xact.)o · e μt + (Xpas.)o # [(Xact.)o] · e μt. A new equation of exponential growth of all living cells of the culture considering a continuous passivation of active cells has been derived: (Xgen.)t = (Xgen.)o · e αμ · t, where μ = const., αt means the part of active cells in the cultural media. In the exponentially growing culture the value αt is gradually reducing with time and so the natural growth of the culture is not and can’t be strictly exponential. The ne- cessity to introduce the proposed clarifications and changes in the Law of exponential growth of microorganisms is stipulated by the earlier unknown phenomenon of passivation (formation of latent forms) of active cells of exponentially growing culture of microor- ganisms during the whole period of its growth. The Law of direct proportionality - the basic law of microorganisms’ vital activity - has been considered in brief. According to the Law of direct proportionality the increase of microorganism concentration in the cul- tural medium is directly proportional to a simultaneous increase of metabolite ∆Mt concentration and a simultaneous decrease of substrate (-∆St) concentration in it as well as a simultaneous increase of titratable acidity of the cultural medium ∆At (under lacticacid bacteria cultivation): ∆Xt[CFU/ml] = Kc · (-∆St)[g/l] = KM· · ∆At[ oT]. (Formulated by Maryin V.A. in 2002. Experimentallysubstantiated by him in 2003). Newly formulated and substantiated in detail has been unrecognized now by microbiologists the Third Fundamental Law of general microbiology mentioned above: (Xpas.)t = (Xpas.)o · e - t. Microbiologists’ attention is attracted to the discovery of the new phase of microorganisms’ growth - the phase of linear growth at All-Russian Dairy Research Institute, (MaryinV.A. 2002).
The need to ensure food safety compels manufacturers to work with suppliers that can meet their organization's requirements forquality and safety of supplied products or services, as suppliers cause many food safety problems. This work is devoted to the deter- mination of methods for assessing the suppliers based on HACCP principles and the program of prerequisites to ensure the comp li-ance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 22000:2005. The technique enabling to asses and select the supplierswithin the food safety management has been developed. Based on the developed technique, the procedure for selecting a deratization service provider has been considered as an example. Varying the selection criteria, the proposed technique can be used as a universalprofile for various companies to assess any supplier of raw materials, equipment and services. Applying detailed selection of suppli- ers, companies can neutralize such risks as increased cost and reduced quality, strengthen mutual trust and prevent undesirable con- flicts. Consumption of quality products and services encourages suppliers to identify unused factors, reserves and capacity, and to find the ways for improving their activities. Methodology for the assessment and selection of suppliers has been implemented andsuccessfully operates at OOO «Bochkarevsky brewery» within the system of food safety management that is certified according to the international standard ISO 22000:2005.
The use of tools of statistical analysis is an easy and effective way for the management of a technological process. Statisti cal toolsmake it possible to obtain reliable data on the process, to correct and improve it, thereby increasing production quality. Based on seven simple instruments of quality control the analysis algorithm and improvements of the process beer production is offered . Thealgorithm includes determination of beer quality parameters that need management; determination of nature of the studied valuesdistribution; determination of statistical process controllability; studying of the reason at which a value distribution is not normal;definition of factors of statistical process uncontrollability; determination of the opportunity and the way of process improvement. Many parameters are responsible for beer taste and aroma. The highest alcohols play an important role in organoleptic perception ofbeer as some of alcohols are necessary components of beer, others in concentrations exceeding a feeling threshold have an adverseeffect on a product smell and add off-flavor to it. Using the developed algorithm for indication of the content of the highest alcohols, the process of beer fermentation with the extractiveness of 12.5 % has been investigated by the example of the data of the «Bochka-revsky Brewery» Ltd (The Altai Territory, Russia). The instrument of quality control - the histogram - was used for the assessment of differential distribution of the studied value. A normal distribution of highest alcohols in beer has been proved. The analysis of fermentation is carried out by means of control cards of Shukhart. A control card of swings and a control card of individual values of the content of highest alcohols in beer have been constructed. To interpret the course of technological process according to controlcards the criteria for special causes are applied. It is shown that fermentation is a statistically operated process, no special causes being found. The offered analysis algorithm and improvements of beer production process is simple in use and makes it possible to study and improve the process.
The relevance of the study is due to looking for ways to reduce the content of heavy metals in mushrooms, as several times excess oftheir maximum permissible concentrations is registered in macromycetes of the Siberian region. The article demonstrates the influ- ence of heat treatment on physical characteristics (mass, volume, humidity) and the content of some mineral elements includin g heavy metals in mushrooms growing in the Novosibirsk region. It is shown that heat treatment of macromycetes causes a change in physical characteristics: mass and volume reduction, increase of humidity and decrease in the content of trace elements and h eavy metals. The rate of change of the studied characteristics is determined by the species of macromycetes and time of heat exposure. Results of studies have shown that reducing the mass and volume of macromycetes does not lead to an increase in the concentration of heavy metals. When cooking mushrooms for 10 minutes the amount of mineral elements is reduced by 17-66%; for a 20 minute period this characteristic is 1.5-3.0 times less with the greatest losses occurring in nickel and selenium, with both the white milkycapand the chanterelle. Research results proved that the heat treatment canbe considered as heavy metals detoxification factor in mush-rooms when the exposure time is not less than 20 minutes.
The product quality depends on the level of functional and technological characteristics of agricultural raw materials as determined inrelation to the laws of formation of consumer properties of certain foods. Current conditions of forming the consumer market determine the need for the rational use of the potential of domestic raw material sources. The purpose of the research is to develop a comprehensive method for evaluating the quality level of agricultural products adapted by the example of functional and technological properties of wheat in relation to the provision of consumer properties of bakery products. The object of the study is wheat grain of class 3 (the Voronezh region). The mathematical tool of this method is the theory of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy classifier for grain property evaluation has been developed; the set of six indices that form the functional and technological properties of grain has been determined; the values of indices have been arranged and presented by linguistic variables with trapezoidal membership function; the rules for calculating the membership functions are given. Features for describing individual indices, for example, «the quality of raw gluten», have been considered. For the sample of wheat grain, the values of membership functions of linguistic variables «index level» for all indices and linguistic variable «quality level» have been calculated. It has been determined, that the studied sample of grain has the second (medium) quality level. Therefore, it can be recommended for the production of bread flour for special sorts, including long loaves, small loaves, flaky pastry, dietetic products, except gluten-free, flaky cookies and biscuits. Evaluation of the level of functional and technological properties of agricultural products enables to use raw materials for the production of foods for a certain segment of consumers (children, dietary and other special food), specific technologies (traditional, accelerated, etc.), and types of products and thereby to exploit efficiently the resource potential of agro-industrial complex.
Food service industry plays an important socio-economic role in the development of society and aims at meeting the material andother needs of the population served. The main task of food service enterprises is to improve the quality of food and services. This task can be fulfilled provided the control of all technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality and safety of foods iscarried out. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for rural areas due to the remoteness of food companies from large industrial centers, inadequate staffing, low incomes etc. The purpose of this work is to develop the directions of modernization offood service enterprises, located far away from the industrial centers. The object of the research is a food service enterprise in thecountryside. Theoretical positions were analyzed with the methods of systematization, simulation, comparison and generalization. Bythe example of a particular food service enterprise of consumer cooperatives the problems of its modernization to improve efficiency and enhance comfort have been considered. The peculiarities of the format modifications of the enterprise, its reconstruction , cateringand assortment are shown. The proposed activities were developed in accordance with Federal programs for sustainable development of rural areas, modern technologies of production and services, supplying quality finished products of food service industry to con-sumers. Practical significance of the work is the development of the reconstruction project for a canteen with the arrangement of technological equipment and widening the assortment of cooked meals due to new dishes from local plant raw materials included inthe menu.