a Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology(University)
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The protein composition of wild plants is quite diverse. Some herb wild plants have rather high protein content and can serve as its additional source when developing combined products with balanced protein content. In this regard, the selection of wild plants, protein content of which would be complementary to that of some dairy protein products, in particular, of processed cheeses is of special interest. To improve the organoleptic characteristics of processed cheeses it is expedient to use compositions of herb and fruit raw materials. The research objects were raw materials, included into the processed cheese formula: Kostroma cheese, powdered milk, wild raw material suspensions (sorrel, ramson, gooseberry, red currant, cowberry), as well as compositions from these raw materials. Amino-acid balance was determined using N. N. Lipatov's technique. Ten compositions of wild raw materials, having acceptable organoleptic indices, have been suggested and recommended for the production of processed cheeses. The amino-acid scores of dairy raw materials (Kostroma cheese, powdered milk) and those of the studied wild raw materials have been analyzed. It has been established that of sorrel, ramson, nettle and red currant proteins are complementary to dairy raw material ones. The biological value of processed cheeses with the suggested compositions of wild raw materials has been considered. Their amino-acid scores and the analytical coefficients characterizing amino-acid balance of processed cheeses have been calculated. The compositions of wild raw materials, including sorrel, ramson, nettle, cowberry and red currant to increase the biological value of processed cheeses have been recommended. Their inclusion into the processed cheese formula enables to raise the amino-acid score of processed cheeses in terms of amino acid (methionine + cysteine) from 93% to 96.4-108.0%. Digestibility of products was up to 93-95%. The use of certain compositions of wild raw materials when producing processed cheeses will make it possible to improve the amino-acid balance, to increase the biological value of products, and also to enrich them with vitamins, mineral substances and other BAS of natural origin and to expand the range of processed cheeses.
Compositions of wild raw materials,
red currant,
amino-acid balance,
processed cheeses
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